Democracy and Inequality: Challenges and Possible Solutions


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Content Objective
  4. Teaching Strategies
  5. Classroom Activities
  6. Appendix on Implementing District Standards
  7. Annotated Bibliography
  8. Notes

The New Brown v. Board of Education in Today’s School Segregation

Lisa Yuk Kuen Yau

Published September 2021

Tools for this Unit:

Appendix on Implementing District Standards

The goal of this interdisciplinary unit is to empower 4th-8th grade students to problem-solve and act like civic leaders by integrating ELA, Math and Social Studies standards.

ELA Common Core Standards: Vocabulary Acquisition (L.4): Determine the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade-levelled text. Key Ideas and Details (RI.4.3): Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text, including what happened and why. Text Types and Purposes (W.1): Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information.

Math Common Core Standards: Solve multistep word problems posed with whole numbers using the four operations, including problems in which remainders must be interpreted. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding (OA.A3). Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions referring to the same whole and having like denominators, by using visual fraction models and equations to represent the problem (NF.B.3.D).

PA Social Studies 4th Grade Standards: Civics & Government Standards: Describe the principles and ideals shaping government such as equality, majority rule, checks and balances (5.1.6.C). Identify needs and rights in the classroom, school, and community (5.2.4.A). Describe the sources of conflict and different ways conflict can be resolved (5.2.4.B). Geography: Spatial distribution, size, density and demographic characteristics of population at the county and state level (7.3.6.A.1). History Standards: Distinguish between fact and opinion from multiple points of view and primary sources related to historical events (8.1.4.B).


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