Democracy and Inequality: Challenges and Possible Solutions


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Content Objective
  4. Teaching Strategies
  5. Classroom Activities
  6. Appendix on Implementing District Standards
  7. Annotated Bibliography
  8. Notes

The New Brown v. Board of Education in Today’s School Segregation

Lisa Yuk Kuen Yau

Published September 2021

Tools for this Unit:

Annotated Bibliography

Children’s Books and Teacher’s Resources:

Hale, Christy. Todos Iguales: Un Corrido De Lemon Grove = All Equal: A Ballad of Lemon Grove. Children's Book Press, 2019. This illustrated book accounts the landmark segregation case, Roberto Alvarez vs the Board of Lemon Grove School District. Written in Spanish and English with photos and other primary sources. Researched in cooperation with the Lemon Grove Historical Society and descendants of the families who lived the event.

Hart, Vi & Case, Nicky. “Parable of the Polygon,” in and Accessed August 11, 2021. Website and tutorial video about an online game that demonstrates the Schelling’s Model of Segregation.

Travis, Cathy. Teacher's Guide for Constitution Translated for Kids. Oakwood Pub., 2003. A teacher’s toolkit on the Constitution, with translation side-by-side with the original 1787 text.

Woelfle, Gretchen, and Alix Delinois. Mumbet's Declaration of Independence. Carolrhoda Books, 2014. A children's picture book about Elizabeth Freeman who was the first enslaved African American who filed a lawsuit and won her freedom.

Research Reading List:

Adely, Hannan. “Student pitch solutions to racial segregation in school.” AP News. March 2, 2019. 500 H.S. students met and discussed how to solve the problem of school segregation.

Anderson, Kristin J. “Feminists Are Man-Haters.” Benign Bigotry: The Psychology of Subtle Prejudice, Chapter 3: 129-92, 2009. This book analyzes misconceptions and prejudices of inequality that associated with the term feminist.

Ball, Howard. The Bakke Case: Race, Education, and Affirmative Action. University Press of Kansas, 2000. This book discusses the key arguments from both sides of the Bakke case, and explores the value of affirmative action in higher education.

Carnock, Janie Tankard and Ege, April. “The Triple Segregation of Latinos, ELLs: What Can We Do?" in New America, Nov. 17, 2015. This article explains the transition from de jure to de facto segregation is contributing to segregation in race, class, and linguistic isolation.

Cineas, Fabiola. "25 Stats That Show Here's How Black People Are Really Doing in Philly." Philadelphia Magazine, Feb. 14, 2020. Accessed August 11, 2021.

Coates, Ta-Nehisi. “The Case for Reparations.” The Atlantic. June 2014. An article focuses on redlining, housing discrimination and why reparations should be taken more seriously.

Dahl, Robert. On Democracy. Yale University Press: New Haven & London, 1998. This book is a source about why, who and how to govern in a democracy.

de Tocqueville, Alexis. Democracy in America (1835), translated by Harvey C. Mansfield. University of Chicago Press, 2000. A French book by de Tocqueville who spent 9 months in 1831 studying the strengths and weaknesses of the U.S. democratic system.

Emery, David. "Did LBJ Advocate: Convince the Lowest White Man He's Better Than the Best Colored Man?" Snopes, 2019. This article portraits the complexity of LBJ, his prejudice v. his influential role in passing of civil rights laws.

Garcia, Emma. “Schools are still segregated, and black children are paying the price.” Economic Policy Institute. February 12, 2020. An essay with data about the impact of school segregation on Black children and their self-concept.

Ghosh, Iman. “Visualizing the U.S. Population by Race.” Visual Capital. December 28, 2020. An interactive website with visual aids, breakdown and data about race for all 50 states and visual aids.

Graetz, Michael J. and Shapiro Ian. Wolf at the Door: The Menace of Economic Insecurity and How to Fight It. Harvard Univ Press, 2021. Book traces the sources of economic insecurity and proposes realistic solutions and strategies to combat inequality.

Greene, Peter. "Arizona GOP Hopes to Clamp Down on Teachers." Forbes, May 06, 2021. An article about the backlash against teachers who want to teach students about race and racism.

Harpalani, Vinay. “The Supreme Court and the Future of Affirmative Action.” American Constitution Society, October 28, 2019. An article predicts affirmative action in higher education will end sooner than later with the current conservative SCOTUS.

Hart, Betty, & Risley, Todd. “Early Catastrophe: The 30 million-Word-Gap by Age 3." American Educator, 2003, 4–9. Research about the word gap between the wealthy and poor.

Hinger, Sarah. “Meet Edward Blum, the Man Who Wants to Kill Affirmative Action in Higher Education.” ACLU, October 18, 2018. This article raises questions about Edward Blum being behind the lawsuit SFFA v. Harvard against affirmative action.

Johnson, Rucker. “Long-Run Impacts of School Desegregation & School Quality on Adult Attainments.” NBER Working Paper Series. Cambridge, MA. January 2011. This paper investigates the long-run impacts of court-ordered school desegregation.

Lockette, Tom. “Unmaking Brown,” Learning for Justice. Issue 37, pp. 28 to 32, 2010. An essay written for educators, urging the rethinking of policies to address the new segregation in schools.

Lynn, Samara and Thorbecke, Catherine. “What America owes: How reparations would look and who would pay.” ABCNews, September 27, 2020. This article advocates reparations for descendants of the enslaved with how and who would pay.

Kahlenberg, Richard, et, al. "How Racially Diverse Schools and Classrooms Can Benefit All Students." The Century Foundation. Feb. 16, 2026. This article supports racially diverse schools because they benefit all students and is associated with higher test scores.

Kalandrakis, Anastassios. “Dynamics of Majority Rule with Endogenous Reversion Point.” Yale University Press, 2002. Explains dynamics of majority rule with the Divide-A-Dollar game.

Mason, James, et. al. The Federalist Papers, edited by Ian Shapiro. Yale University Press, 2009. A collection of 85 articles and essays written by Hamilton, Mason, and John Jay to promote the ratification of the U. S. Constitution.

Muhammad, Gholdy, Cultivating Genius. Scholastic, 2020. Book introduces a four-layered equity framework based on Identity, Skills, Intellect and Criticality.

Nelson, Libby, “3 maps that show school segregation in the US.” in, August 28, 2014. Accessed August 20, 2021. “2021 Niche: K-12 School and District Rankings.” Accessed August  20, 2021. Niche (former College Prowler) runs a ranking and review site for schools in America.  

O’Neil, Cathy, Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy, September 6, 2016. Book on the detrimental impact of using math without questioning the social implications.

Orfield, Gary. “Schools More Separate: Consequences of a Decade of Resegregation.”, July 1, 2021. This report retells the history of resegregation with public opinion, trends, and benefits of desegregation.

Phillips, Steve. Brown Is the New White. The New Press, 2018. Book discusses the rapidly increasing number of racial minorities and its track to become a voting majority.

Pirtle, Whitney. "The Other Segregation." The Atlantic. April 23, 2019. This article addresses the segregation within single schools due to systematic racist  practices like tracking.

Reed, Toure. Toward Freedom: The Case Against Race Reductionism. Verseo, 2020. Book examines how antiracist demands isolated from economic demands that would address the interests and securities of all of America’s working-class.

Rosenberg, Gerald N. The Hollow Hope: Can Courts Bring About Social Change? University of Chicago Press, 2008. Debates how landmark cases have little impact on social change.

Russakoff, Dale. The Prize: Who's in Charge of America's Schools? Mariner Books, 2016. Retell the aftermath of Mark Zuckerberg’s $100 million grant to save Newark public schools.

Schaeffer, Katherine. “Racial, ethnic diversity increases yet again with the 117th Congress.” Pew Research Center. January 28, 2021. Despite an increase in the racial and ethnic diversity in both the Senate and the House, there is still a disproportionately white majority when compared with the overall U.S. population.

Schelling, Thomas. "Dynamic Models of Segregation." Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 143-186. 1971. Accessed August 1, 2021. A study of a model of the interactive dynamics due to individual choices and bias.

Wagner, Chandi. “School Segregation Then & Now: How to Move Toward a More Perfect Union.” Center for Public Education. January 2017. Research discusses the cost, how to measure, best practices, and policies about school segregation.


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