Appendix on Implementing District Standards
Oklahoma State Fine Art Standards
VA.CP.1: Creative Process
Learn and use vocabulary and concepts related to visual arts.
Many of the vocabulary words used in fine arts for 2D and 3D work are the same as those used to teach film. Students will use the vocabulary they learn within this unit’s activities as well as later in the year when they create their own films.
VA.CHP.1: Cultural and Historical Perspectives
Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.
Using foreign films gives students the chance to analyze different cultures and historical contexts to make connections to contemporary and local contexts. This really does give students the chance to see “how the other half lives”.
VA.ARCM.1: Aesthetic Response and Critique Methodologies
Perceive, analyze, interpret, and evaluate artistic work.
In this unit students to will do all of these steps. Viewing, analyzing, interpreting, and evaluating the films we use will help students to develop a personal artistic styles to create a film of their own. Students will