Mise en scene gives us quick information as to what a piece is about, regardless of whether it is a photo, a painting, or a film. What do you see? How is it arranged? What does it communicate to the audience? Quick and easy. But, there is more to it than that. A film can build an entire world using characters, sets, and lighting. When we look a bit deeper and analyze what we see, it can help us determine time, location, and even the theme of the narrative. For our activities we will look at and discuss contextual framing and how territorial space is used to define the contextual frame, aspect ratios and how they affect our viewing of films, and composition and design of a mise en scene.
What Is In a Frame?
Students will be given materials to create a cut out of a picture frame, such as mat board or other sturdy material. We will use a standard 16:9 ratio of most televisions being sold today, this is about 1.8:1. Aspect ratios can be discussed here or saved for later. We will use an inner rectangle of 10 ¾ inches by 6 inches as our framed image size. Have students hold their frame up to frame a picture, which in a movie is the frame. Confusing, right? Just be sure they understand the picture frame is going to be used to hold an image while in a movie, a still shot is called a “frame”. Students should take a little time to walk around with their frame to visualize things from different angles and different distances. Ask students to extend and bring in their arm to show how the zoom in and out works, which is like a camera zoom. Ask students to focus on one item, zoom in and out and change the point of view thinking of the contextual frame and aspect ratios and how these things could affect the mise en scene of the final image they are trying achieve. How can students make that item stand out versus being more inconspicuous or just being a part of the general surroundings such as the horse and carriage shown previously? Stations will be set up to have students interpret and frame specific things, such as with a still life. Students will be asked to sketch and photograph what they see through their picture frames. This is an exercise to get their frames ready for future use as well as getting them to understand how a director looks at the world they are filming.
Aspect Ratios Activity 1
In our modern world we watch videos on all sorts of devices. From movie theaters or drive in’s, televisions of all shapes and sizes, iPads, and cell phones, we watch movies, films, Youtube videos, and TikToks. But how does aspect ratio actually affect an individual frame when seen in different formats? For this activity students will be shown a frame from a film in different aspect ratios on as many different device sizes as possible or even just changing the aspect ratio on a TV, computer, or phone screen. Explaining aspect ratios doesn’t have to get complicated or mathematical for this activity. has an excellent page (listed in resources) to help out. Two sections, “What does it look like?” and “How to get rid of them”, are particularly helpful.
What is lost on the frame on different screens in different aspect ratios is easy enough to recognize when comparing aspect ratios for yourself. After the class walks through a few frames from different short video clips as a class, students will begin to understand the differences if given a little background. The important part is not memorizing the ratios or even really mathematically understanding the differences (though this could a helpful art/math integration piece). The idea is that some directors are very particular and specific about framing and the aspect ratio differences on different screens can actually alter the film in some instances. After creating small groups, each group will be given an image. If it were placed on different screens in the different aspect ratios what, if anything, would be lost physically and/or psychologically? For example, consider a character looking at something on the edge of the screen that can also be seen by the viewer. Does the aspect ratio change what the character is seeing (or now not seeing if the item in cut off?) Has something of importance been cut off from the viewer? What does the altered image lose in value, theme, or purpose with the screen change as an individual frame compare to a short video clip or the entire film? Everything they have learned about mise en scene comes into play in this activity with framing, zooms, angles,
Aspect Ratio Activity 2
During this unit two films will be shown in class. This activity can use a film that has already been seen or a film can be chosen and viewed specifically for this activity. A previously chosen short clip from the film is shown as a refresher and discussion piece. The class will discuss the framing and mise en scene during its replay with the volume muted or paused, as needed. However, students will take a close look at the parts of the frame that they know will be cut off in different aspect ratios and discuss any issues. Finally, one frame from that clip is viewed and small groups will work together to express the differences.
The “See. Think. Wonder.” strategy can be integrated into this entire activity. This activity can also be used as a writing exercise or sketching exercise to meet different learning styles within the class. The math aspect of ratios could also be used with this activity for further arts integration in a lesson. The outcomes of this activity are for students to understand how important framing is and how the aspect ratio of a screen can affect some films in surprising and sometimes negative ways.
Video Viewing and Art Analysis
Students will view a film with the four formal aspects of art analysis in mind: description, analysis, interpretation, evaluation. Specific stops will be made during film, planned in advance, to pause and have a group discussion about the steps in the four formal aspects of art analysis (from strategies) regarding specific film still-frames. Students will have a 4 square for the analysis with the words and questions on it. This will allow students to organize thoughts and ideas, take notes, and separate the steps visually. Stopping to talk about a still, students will also get a better understanding of mise en scene in terms framing and design. When the film ends students will then immediately write an art analysis on paper about the films as a whole, individually or in small groups, to demonstrate their understanding of art analysis. Working through this will also allow students to see the four elements of mise en scene mentioned before: staging the action, physical setting and décor, the manner in which these materials are all framed, and the manner in which they are photographed (or filmed in this case).