1 Taylor, Mildred, The Land, 73.
2 Giovanni, Nikki, Spin A Soft Black Song, 14.
3 Craven, Tina Marie, “Book Ban Challenges”.
4 Ibid.
5 Ferguson, Roderick, “Enter Thou into This Company’: The Imperiled Mysteries of Critical Literacies”.
6 Colleary,Eric, “The Legacy of Henry Box Brown”.
7 Rowse, Worcester Samuel, “The Resurrection of Henry Box Brown”.
8 Ibid.
9 Jess, Tyehimba, Olio, 218-219.
10 Baker, Quentin “Tyehimba Jess:The Voice of The Interior”.
11 Jess, Tyehimba, Olio, 218-219.
12 Petzoldt, Arias Ariel, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2CaWhCj49k.
13 Pilkey, Dav, The Adventures of Captain Underpants, 3-10.
14 Richards, Irina, “Sharing Visual Arts Inspiration”.
15 Ibid.
16 Peters, Julian, Poems To See By, 12.
Permission required? Brooks passed away in 200, so definitely not >70 years ago.