Reviving American Ideas: The U.S. Constitution, the Anti-Federalists and the 28th Amendment

bySonia Henze

Have you ever wished you were present at the signing of the U.S. Constitution? Would you seek to create a "more perfect union" or an entirely new political system? Who would you want to decide the fate of the nation? What issues would you debate? Which government model would you want to effectively promote the ideas of America?

This curriculum unit will enable students to understand how the ideals in the Declaration of Independence shape the political framework of the U.S. Constitution. I hope to inspire students to engage in democracy throughout the unit. The goal is to have students see the need for more democratic ideals in our current American political system. American citizens need to make the government more accountable and responsive to those who give consent: the people. Although a new Constitutional Convention seems too complicated for the American political system today, acknowledgement will encourage the next generation to get involved in their government. Once the youth take an active role in local, state or federal government they determine what is at stake. Without popular sovereignty, the U.S. government loses legitimacy.

(Developed for AP U. S. History, grade 11; recommended for AP U. S. History and AP U. S. Government, grades 10-11, and Civics, grades 9-12)

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