Renewable Energy


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Objectives
  3. Background
  4. Using Solar Energy
  5. The Trombe Wall
  6. The Solar Slab Heat Exchanger
  7. Photovoltaic Cells and Wind Turbines
  8. Earthships
  9. Conclusion
  10. Lesson I: Following the Energy Grid
  11. Lesson II: Measuring the Earth's Constant Temperature
  12. Lesson III: Innovations for Living Off of the Grid
  13. Lesson IV: Other Examples of Alternative Architecture
  14. Unit Follow Up Activities
  15. Bibliography
  16. Endnotes
  17. Implementing Texas State Standards

Solar Energy -- Architectural Alternatives for Home Building

Georgia Redonet

Published September 2007

Tools for this Unit:

Lesson I: Following the Energy Grid


Before introducing my students to solar energy, I want to be sure they know where the energy they currently use is coming from, how it is produced, and its impact on society.


Computer lab and library.

Posters and art supplies

White board

Activity 1

We will start with a general discussion about the energy usage in their homes. They will be asked the following questions:

1. What type of energy do you use to watch TV, listen to music, or use the computer?
2. What type of energy do you use to cook?
3. How is your hot water heated?
4. How is your home heated in winter and cooled in summer?
5. Why do you have light in your house?
6. How does your doorbell work and what about all of the appliances?

For the most part, the answers will be electricity. But, in some instances the answers will be natural gas and for those living in the countryside, propane gas or wood. Students in the Northeastern United States will mention oil and others may mention coal for heating. The idea here is to make them aware of the various sources. At that point, we will break into smaller groups for the next exercise.

Activity 2

In my classroom, I have a whiteboard that stretches across the front wall. The students will draw their final charts on that board and describe them to the class. For assessment, the groups will also draw and illustrate their chart on a poster board.

Groups of four will be assigned an energy source: coal, natural gas, propane gas, wood, heating oil and electricity. Electricity will be further broken down under the headings of hydroelectric, nuclear, and coal. The groups will be given research time and must produce a chart which will look something like a timeline — running from left to right across the board.

An example for natural gas would start with the gas being drilled and piped to a refinery:

Gas underground —> Drill —> Transport in pipes —> Refine —> Pipe to home —> Plumb to water heater, heater, stove

The students, having more space, will add color, drawings, arrows and other graphics to their charts. As they describe the flow of their chart they will also be asked to discuss cost and in which regions of the country this energy source is most likely to be used. Is this a renewable or inexhaustible source of energy? Each group will report on the efficiency of using that particular resource and its approximate cost. The final segment of their presentation will include a report on the carbon footprint left by their energy source.


Assessment will be based on each individual taking part in the group presentation. The group will split points from the poster chart based on accuracy and presentation.

Follow Up Activity

At the end of the unit another chart will be created showing the pathways used to produce electricity from solar and other renewable sources of energy, their costs, and carbon footprints.


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