Unit Follow Up Activities
As a conclusion to our studies, the class will hold a round table discussion in which they will consider how to prepare for new career options presented by the alternative and renewable energy sector. Please note that Pixyjack Press anticipates the publication of Careers in Renewable Energy in 2008. Judging by the other books published by Pixyjack, I think this will be a very useful tool for the classroom teacher.
Throughout the unit, classroom discussions will focus on the impact that innovations in alternative and renewable energy can have on third world and developing countries.
My students will be invited to come in after school and build an Earthship. It will be fashioned after the gingerbread houses which are popular at Christmas time. They will be asked to suggest materials. The most obvious one that comes to mind is lifesavers instead of tires. I think my students would enjoy this activity that would allow them to see some of the techniques used in this alternative architecture. I am hoping to create an energy club at my school, so this edible Earthship could be auctioned off as a fundraiser.