Brain Size and Intelligence
Concepts of brain size and intelligence, should be introduced after the lessons on the forebrain. This lesson will reinforce the concepts of the macroanatomy or gross anatomy of the cerebral cortex and its role in processing, perception, thinking, and memory. The question of brain size and intelligence is analyzed. Students may stay in their normal seating arrangements. This lesson is intended to introduce brain science in a safe and welcoming learning environment. The introduction to new academic vocabulary on brain structure and function may be more challenging for ELL (English Language Learner) and the disabled. This activity will encourage and allow all students at all levels of competency to participate safely.
Materials: markers, chart paper, LCD projector, and computer.
Teacher Task
Teacher should ask students to work on the Due Now. A Due Now is any general question that is to be completed immediately when students arrive to the classroom to help set the tone for the lesson. The Due Now is " Is there a relationship between brain size and intelligence?" Select a student to share their answer. Following this question, teach the students that dense convoluted folds in the brain are believed to increase the surface area, thus, increasing perception, memory, and all higher cognitive functions, including the ability to concentrate, reason, and think in abstract form. Teachers may refer to pictures in the Dana Guide to Brain Health and HYPERLINK "" for images that compare brain images of human, chimpanzee, dolphin, and dog. The serendip website will also show different examples that compare brain size and surface of the cerebrum of different animals. Students will need to turn in an exit ticket demonstrating 2 facts from what they learned. For a writing homework, have students write two paragraphs analyzing the relationship of brain size and intelligence of a cow and a chimpanzee. Students may submit brain images of these two animals for extra credit.