Horrifying Death and The Brain
Horrifying death and the brain, is a fun short discussion that can keep students "hooked" after learning difficult new information. Its serves as an intermission to the brain gross anatomy that will reinforce the concepts of the macroanatomy or gross anatomy of the cortex and its role in processing, perception, thinking, and memory. Students may stay in their normal seating arrangements. This discussion is intended to introduce the brain science in a safe and welcoming learning environment. The introduction to new academic vocabulary on brain structure and function may be more of challenging for ELL (English Language Learner) and the disabled. This activity will encourage and allow all students at all levels of competency to participate safely.
Materials: markers, chart paper, LCD projector, computer, and human skeleton
Teacher Task
In a open dialogic approach, ask students "Is death by hanging a consequence of suffocation or due to a broken vertebrae?" Give the class a few minutes to process with each other and ask them to also consider their knowledge on vertebrate structure and function. After a 5-minute discussion, teach the lesson on midbrain and the hindbrain. Be sure to use visuals showing where each part of the brain is, if possible, to help visual learners. Emphasize how the medulla oblongata is found in the lowest most part of the brainstem. It relays nerve signals between the brain and the spinal cord and controls and regulates the autonomic functions of respiration, blood pressure and heart rate, as well as swallowing, vomiting, defecation, and urination. Revisit this "death" question in a discussion. Then teach students that in this type of death, the medulla oblongata is penetrated by a broken vertebrae that kills the victim and it is not necessarily because of suffocation. Teachers may want to use visuals that show a closer look on the location of medulla oblongata in relation to the spine. In addition, referencing to the human skeleton may further clarify the spatial relationship of brain and body.