The Brain in Health and Disease


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Structure and Function
  3. The Forebrain
  4. The Midbrain
  5. The Hindbrain
  6. Microanatomy of the Brain
  7. Parkinson's Disease
  8. Alcohol and The Brain
  9. Lessons
  10. Introduction Lesson to Brain Science
  11. Brain Size and Intelligence
  12. Horrifying Death and The Brain
  13. Sheep Brain Dissection
  14. Neurons
  15. Parkinson's Disease
  16. Alcohol
  17. Brain Bingo
  18. Bibliography
  19. Standards

Brain Structure and Function and Disease

Chanh P. Quach

Published September 2009

Tools for this Unit:

Structure and Function

Structure and function relationship of the brain can be more easily understood by dissecting the brain into functional parts. The human brain weighs about 3 pounds and is composed of approximately 100 billion neurons. The neuron is the basic functional building block of the brain. Structurally it is the most complex of organs. Housed within the skull, the brain acts as the controller of the entire nervous system and, therefore, regulates and coordinates many of the body activities.

The brain is divided into three regions: forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain. Part of the hindbrain (medulla oblongata and pons) and the midbrain are collectively known as the brain stem. The brain stem connects the brain to the spinal cord to form the central nervous system.


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