Sheep Brain Dissection
Sheep brain dissection is a fun simple dissection that can keep students "hooked" after learning difficult new information and is a nice transition to brain micro-anatomy. The brain dissection will bring closure and a clearer physical visual understanding to the concepts of the macro-brain or gross anatomy of the cortex and its role in processing, perception, thinking, and memory. Students may work in groups. This discussion is intended to introduce the brain science in a safe and welcoming learning environment. The introduction to new academic vocabulary on brain structure and function may be more of challenging for ELL (English Language Learner) and the disabled. This activity will encourage and allow all students at all levels of competency to participate safely.
Materials: dissection trays, dissection kits, aprons, gloves, goggles, white paper, and sheep brain.
Teacher Task
Teachers may want to do a short lesson on brain macroanatomy to review before the dissection. Chart and explain directional terminology (i.e. anterior, posterior, etc.). Teachers will need to review lab safety and handling instructions and clean up. I also suggest that any clear visuals and posters be posted during this time. The dissection is teacher directed and students should follow step-by-step instructions. At their lab tables, guide students in the orientation of the brain. Have them sketch the brain and identify the longitudinal fissure, two cerebral hemispheres, the cerebellum, and the brain stem. Guide students in a saggital cut. Have them sketch the parts and identify the corpus callosum and other regions.
Be sure to allow enough time for clean up.
Homework: students are to define the parts identified.
Quizzes: Maybe a fill in the blanks, and labeling a brain diagram.