Appendix 1
IL State Standard Implementation:
Il State Standard | Description of Standard | Explanation of how standard is addressed |
10.A.3a | Construct, read, and interpret tables, graphs, and charts to organize and represent data. | Students will at multiple times be presented with transportation data that allows for reading and interpreting. The classroom, group, and individual visual representations will address constructing graphs, tables, and charts. |
10.A.3b | Compare mean, median, mode, and range. | Activity number three specifically allows students to use their own generated data on air quality to calculate and compare mean, median, mode, and range. |
10.B.3 | Formulate questions, devise and conduct experiments or simulations, gather data, draw conclusions, and communicate results. | This standard will be addressed throughout activity number seven. Additionally, as students look at data and make hypothesis from data they will clearly be communicating and drawing conclusions as well as environmental implications. |
10.C.3b | Analyze problem situations and make predictions about results. | The entire unit is designed to have students ponder the implications in and outside of transportation on the environment. These critical thinking skills will produce predictions and specifications of future problems. |
11.B.3a | Identify an actual design problem and establish criteria for determining the success of a solution. | Activity number seven challenges students to rethink the design of their own prototype and determine a solution for any particular problems. |
11.B.3b | Sketch, propose, and compare design solutions to problems considering available materials, cost, effectiveness and safety. | Activity number seven specifically allows students to create and build a prototype considering cost and availability of goods. |
11.B.3c | Select the most appropriate design and build a prototype or simulation. | Activity number seven specifically allows students to create and build a prototype. |
11.B.3d | Test the prototype. | Activity number seven allows students to test their prototype, and rebuild as needed. |
11.B.3e | Evaluate test results and suggest improvements. | Students after testing their prototypes will evaluate their results and change the prototype according to new plans. |
13.A.3a | Identify and reduce potential hazards in science. | This standard will be addressed throughout as we examine waste and discuss the hazards in both disposing and researching of pollutants. |
13.B.3e | Identify advantages and disadvantages of natural resource conservation and management programs. | Students will examine the environmental differences of junking a car for a newer more efficient model and reviving a less efficient car saving it from the junk yard. |