Energy, Climate, Environment


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Background
  4. Key Ideas and Essential Understandings
  5. Objectives and Strategies
  6. Conclusion
  7. Activity #1
  8. Activity #5
  9. Activity #7 Kessinger's Apprentices
  10. Appendix 1
  11. Endnotes

Unconventional Transportation

Laura Kessinger

Published September 2009

Tools for this Unit:

Activity #7 Kessinger's Apprentices

The Challenge:

Conceive, sketch, build, and justify a prototype transportation method that people will use for business and leisure.

The Rules:

  1. The energy used to power your transportation must be a renewable resource.
  2. Your method of transit does not have to be a vehicle; however it must be useful in Chicago's urban environment.
  3. Your transit method must be user friendly; people should want to own/ride it.
  4. All team members must fulfill a role in the success of your vehicle

The Steps:

Step Explanation Members Involved
1 Think As a group begin to brainstorm. Open up your notes from the previous 8 week’s lessons and begin to contemplate exactly what type of transportation method you’d like to create. Following the four rules above first choose the method of transportation. Next choose the renewable power source as each will greatly impact your design. Consider your source carefully, as each has different advantages and disadvantages. Once you’ve chosen a primary source, consider including a back up energy source (perhaps as optional additions). All
2 Sketch After you’ve chosen your method and energy type. Discuss what you want your design to look like. Do you want it to look like a current mode of transportation? Or should it be something completely original? How will your resource work? Is it something that must be located on the outside and is therefore part of the design? Or is it located inside? Will you consider aesthetics in your design? Is there a color scheme? Everyone’s ideas will be considered in the design. The designer will however sketch the ideas. The sketches should provide a 360 degree view of the transportation system. The sketches should include explanations and key features including: energy resource selling points luxuries (additional options) climate friendly advantages All
3 Research After you’ve chosen your methods and energy types the research should begin. You’ll need to research the following:
1) Materials needed to build prototype
2) Costs involved in building prototype
3) Material costs in building real thing
4) The mechanical operation of your resources
5) Positives and negatives of using this energy resource
6) The impact your transit method would have on the environment
Researcher, Mathematician, Leader
4 Build Once the materials have arrived you will build a model of your prototype using the available materials. Your model should look as similar to your sketches as possible and should be functional, either by human modeling or powered by your alternate resource method. Engineer, Leader
5 Promote Given the sales price of your product, consider who you would market it to and create an advertising campaign designed for your buyer. Create a print campaign to be displayed throughout the school and an audio visual advertisement to be played during the Board meeting. Promoter, Leader
6 Justify Boardroom conversation. All group members will face the board to justify their prototypes to the Board. All members should be able to communicate their contribution to the final product. They should also be knowledgeable on the costs associated and environmental impact of their method. All

The Roles:

The Leader The leader communicates with all fellow team members to ensure that all the roles and rules are followed. They act as a liaison with the teacher and are the only group member allowed to ask questions of the teacher and will submit requests for materials. The leader is ultimately responsible for the work of the finished product. The leader picks up the job when someone else is absent or has too much work. They have power of veto in a deadlocked decision. This person should be a motivator, someone who can get their group in line and working together.
The Designer The designer is the artist. They are the person that is going to sketch everyone’s ideas into one set of sketches that depicts the group’s ideas and methods. The designer must consider both function and appearance. This person should be a good artist, but must also be a good listener. They must listen everyone’s collective ideas and choose a common theme. The designer’s main role is in the sketching, however they are responsible for the end product, and should be helpful to their teammates in any method possible after their sketching is complete.
The Engineer The engineer is the builder. They are the person that is actually going to build the prototype to put on display. They along with the researcher will create a list of materials and needs these will be submitted to the leader. After you’ve received the materials your job is to build a prototype that matches the sketches and moves. Once your model is built the engineer must test the model. They should make notes of the positives and negatives of their model, then make suggestions for improvement. The engineer’s main job is to build, however they are responsible for the end product, and should be helpful to their teammates in any means possible.
The Researcher The researcher is in charge of researching the materials and technology used in the building of the group’s ideas. Researchers will submit a materials needed list to the leader. Additionally they will be researching the positives and negatives of the resource (or resources) they decide upon. The researcher’s work will be critical to the justification round.
The Statistician The statistician is in charge of calculating all costs of building the product and the selling cost of the product. This person should be you’re strongest math student. They will be critical to the justification of your project.
The Promoter The promoter is in charge of creating an advertising and marketing campaign to sell your product. This person should be your most outgoing personality who has the ability to convince others to buy their product. They should have a commercial prepared to present during justification.

The Final Product:

  1. Sketches with explanation of original designs.
  2. Prototype Model
  3. Research Data Sheet
  4. Cost Analysis Sheet
  5. Pollution Analysis
  6. Advertising Campaign - both print and video

The Reminders:

  1. No one group member is more important than another.
  2. Everyone has a responsibility in the final project.
  3. Your entire group is competing for the title of Top Apprentices.
  4. Have fun, be creative, and don't waste your learning time.

The Judgment:

At your board meeting your group will receive points from each board member. Each category has a possible 5 points. Each group will have the opportunity to score points in the following criteria:

  Innovation Design Research Promotion Collaboration

The Extras:

When What
During Build It Instead of providing the materials all the materials they asked for substitute everything except their resource. Force groups to think outside the box with this additional challenge, make the best of a new situation and adapt plans, designs, and ideas to available resources.
During Promotion Require students to provide predictive data for the environmental impact of their system in Chicago with 1,000, 10,000, 100,000, and 1,000,000 riders/buyers/users.


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