Student Bibliography and Resources
Bradley,Tara. Jane Eyre's Husband-The Life of Edward Rochester.Kindle Publishing, New York: 2007. Describes the events of Jane Eyre from Rochester's point of view. Every unanswered question from the original story is answered: Rochester's boyhood, his various mistresses, etc, Story is faithful to original work. All characterizations are consistent with Charlotte Bronte's original characters.
Shakespeare, William. Julius Caesar. New York: Signet Classics, 1998.
Shakespeare, William, Romeo and Juliet. New York: Signet Classics, 1998.
Stockett, Kathryn. The Help. New York: Berkley Publishing Group, 2009.
A contemporay view of a classic problem, race and racism during the antebellum South. A young white woman becomes interested in the plight of of African- American domestics and the "white" ladies they work for right before the country explodes in a Civil Rights Revoloution. Some adult language so a parental advisory should be included before teaching in secondary classrooms.
Taylor, Theodore. Timothy of the Cay: A Prequel Sequel. Rebound By Sagebrush, New York: 1994. An excellent example of how an author fills the reader in on everything they wanted to know from his original text, The Cay.