Love and Politics in the Sonnet


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Overview
  2. The Speaker's Voice
  3. Rationale
  4. Making a Connection to my School
  5. The Sonnet
  6. Love or Politics?
  7. Strategies
  8. Classroom Activities
  9. Standards
  10. Teacher's Resources
  11. Student Resources
  12. End Notes

Using the Sonnet and Other Poems to Unlock the Speaker's Voice

Denise D. Hall

Published September 2011

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When I speak of middle school students, I am speaking of students in grades 6-8 which are the grades that constitute the true middle school concept. So, how will this unit relate to middle school students? Middle school students are unique in every way. These students typically experience a variety of intellectual and developmental changes. Students in this age group enjoy music and rhythm, are inquisitive consist of but are not limited to becoming musical and rhythmic, lyrical, curious, and easily inclined to follow peers, have their own way of ordering things, and prefer active learning to passive classroom experiences. In many ways, they are all different. 1 Why should this diversity be addressed? The National Center for Culturally Responsive Educational Systems reminds us that teachers must be prepared to meet the needs of students who vary in culture, language, [and] ability as well as other characteristics. "To meet this challenge, teachers must employ not only theoretically sound but also culturally responsive pedagogy." 2


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