Love and Politics in the Sonnet


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Overview
  2. The Speaker's Voice
  3. Rationale
  4. Making a Connection to my School
  5. The Sonnet
  6. Love or Politics?
  7. Strategies
  8. Classroom Activities
  9. Standards
  10. Teacher's Resources
  11. Student Resources
  12. End Notes

Using the Sonnet and Other Poems to Unlock the Speaker's Voice

Denise D. Hall

Published September 2011

Tools for this Unit:

The Sonnet

The Sonnet, a fourteen line poem which most often expresses feelings of love and sometimes political themes, is not always a literal reflection of the topic emphasized overtly by the author. The sonnet is a lyrical poem that contains a rhyme scheme and is sometimes found in a series. The English or Shakespearean sonnet consists of three quatrains and a couplet, while the Petrarchan sonnet breaks into an octave and a sestet. It can be very difficult to tell the two sonnets apart. Lyrical poetry usually expresses personal and emotional feelings. Although Shakespearean and Italian are the two most common sonnets, there are other variants of this form. In many instances, the author uses clues or hints that challenge the reader to understand the subject, time frame, and dilemma presented. In short, the Sonnet is a densely structured form of writing which requires one to think before making an assumption regarding its content and topic. In order to fully understand the Sonnet, one must consider the writer, the time frame, and the historical perspective in which the poem is written. Why is the speaker so indirect? Is it a game of intellect to see if this reader is wise enough to disseminate the work, or is it just a puzzle waiting to be solved? The Speaker's voice, attitude, mood, and background are prerequisite to the scaffolding of the sonnet for students. Once we have some sense of who the speaker is, we can ask how his or her words humor or challenge us.


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