An Opportunity for All? Andrew Jackson and the American Indian
Patricia Mitchell-Keita-Doe
Published September 2011
End Notes
- Authors' own words
- American Lion: Andrew Jackson in the White House, Jon Meacham, Random House, 2008, 8
- ibid, 9
- ibid, 10
- ibid, 11
- ibid
- ibid, 13
- ibid, 15
- ibid, 33
- ibid, 17
- A History of Us, 3 rd ed. vol. 4, Joy Hakim, Oxford Press, 2006
- ibid
- p. Revolutionary Characters, What Made the Founders Different, Gordon S. Wood, Penguin Press,
- American Lion, Jon Meacham, 59
- ibid, 91
- ibid,54
- ibid, 91
- Andrew Jackson to Creek Indians, 1829
- Speckled Snake's reply to Andrew Jackson's proposal to Creek Indians, 1829
- A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America, Ronald Takaki, Little Brown and Co. 1993,
chap. one
- ibid
- The Story of American Freedom, Eric Foner,W.W.Norton, 1998
- As told to author by Marilyn Dempsey, a Dine woman, July, 2011
- American Indian Treaties, The History of a Political Anamoly, Francis Paul Prucha,University of
California Press,1994, 128,129
- ibid
- ibid
- ibid, 130
- ibid
- ibid, 131
- ibid
- ibid
- ibid, 132
- ibid
- The Way To The West, Elliott West, University of New Mexico Press, 1995, 23
- ibid, 14
- ibid 15
- The Way To The West, Elliott West, 18
- ibid
- ibid, 22
- ibid, 26
- ibid, 29
- ibid, 17
- ibid
- Colorado geography, net state
- ibid, 38
- ibid
- ibid, 41
- ibid, 43
- ibid, 87
- ibid
- ibid, 88
- American Indian Policy in the Jacksonian Era, Ronald N. Satz, University of Nebraska Press,1974,
- The Story of American Freedom, Eric Foner, 21
- merican Indian Policy in the U.S, 10.
- ibid, 9
- ibid, 10
- ibid, 3
- American Indian Treaties, 4
- ibid, 13
- Cherokee Indians v Georgia
- American Indian Treaties, 249
- American Indian Policy, 64
- ibid, 66
- ibid, 2
- ibid, 3
- ibid
- ibid
- ibid
- Indian School,Teaching the White Man's Way, Michael L. Cooper, Clarion Books, 1999, 82
- Genocide Convention1948
- Indian School, 3
- ibid, 14
- ibid, 19
- ibid, 46
- ibid 47
- ibid, 49
- ibid, 55
- ibid, 86
- ibid, 85