The Idea of America


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Rationale
  2. Background
  3. Andrew Jackson, from Boy to Man
  4. Types of Freedom
  5. Treats and Tricks
  6. Life on the Plains and Other Struggles
  7. No Thank You Mr. President!
  8. And Now My Friends, Your Children Please...
  9. Objectives
  10. Sample Lesson Plan Using Strategies
  11. Appendix A: Implementing PA. State Standards
  12. Appendix B
  13. End Notes
  14. Bibliography

An Opportunity for All? Andrew Jackson and the American Indian

Patricia Mitchell-Keita-Doe

Published September 2011

Tools for this Unit:

End Notes

  1. Authors' own words
  2. American Lion: Andrew Jackson in the White House, Jon Meacham, Random House, 2008, 8
  3. ibid, 9
  4. ibid, 10
  5. ibid, 11
  6. ibid
  7. ibid, 13
  8. ibid, 15
  9. ibid, 33
  10. ibid, 17
  11. A History of Us, 3 rd ed. vol. 4, Joy Hakim, Oxford Press, 2006
  12. ibid
  13. p. Revolutionary Characters, What Made the Founders Different, Gordon S. Wood, Penguin Press, 2006
  14. American Lion, Jon Meacham, 59
  15. ibid, 91
  16. ibid,54
  17. ibid, 91
  18. Andrew Jackson to Creek Indians, 1829
  19. Speckled Snake's reply to Andrew Jackson's proposal to Creek Indians, 1829
  20. A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America, Ronald Takaki, Little Brown and Co. 1993, chap. one
  21. ibid
  22. The Story of American Freedom, Eric Foner,W.W.Norton, 1998
  23. As told to author by Marilyn Dempsey, a Dine woman, July, 2011
  24. American Indian Treaties, The History of a Political Anamoly, Francis Paul Prucha,University of California Press,1994, 128,129
  25. ibid
  26. ibid
  27. ibid, 130
  28. ibid
  29. ibid, 131
  30. ibid
  31. ibid
  32. ibid, 132
  33. ibid
  34. The Way To The West, Elliott West, University of New Mexico Press, 1995, 23
  35. ibid, 14
  36. ibid 15
  37. The Way To The West, Elliott West, 18
  38. ibid
  39. ibid, 22
  40. ibid, 26
  41. ibid, 29
  42. ibid, 17
  43. ibid
  44. Colorado geography, net state
  45. ibid, 38
  46. ibid
  47. ibid, 41
  48. ibid, 43
  49. ibid, 87
  50. ibid
  51. ibid, 88
  52. American Indian Policy in the Jacksonian Era, Ronald N. Satz, University of Nebraska Press,1974, 10
  53. The Story of American Freedom, Eric Foner, 21
  54. merican Indian Policy in the U.S, 10.
  55. ibid, 9
  56. ibid, 10
  57. ibid, 3
  58. American Indian Treaties, 4
  59. ibid, 13
  60. Cherokee Indians v Georgia
  61. American Indian Treaties, 249
  62. American Indian Policy, 64
  63. ibid, 66
  64. ibid, 2
  65. ibid, 3
  66. ibid
  67. ibid
  68. ibid
  69. Indian School,Teaching the White Man's Way, Michael L. Cooper, Clarion Books, 1999, 82
  70. Genocide Convention1948
  71. Indian School, 3
  72. ibid, 14
  73. ibid, 19
  74. ibid, 46
  75. ibid 47
  76. ibid, 49
  77. ibid, 55
  78. ibid, 86
  79. ibid, 85


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