This unit will serve to introduce students to the forces and policies that caused dramatic changes in the ways American Indians had lived in what is now the United States for thousands of years prior to the arrival of Europeans and the settling of this country. By the end of this unit students will be able to:
-learn how ideas of American citizenship, freedom and liberty were applied to persons in the 18 th and 19 th centuries.
-identify ideas and notions of racial, cultural and linguistic superiority and their effects on persons and communities in the 19 th and 20 th centuries
-read, understand and analyze selected texts, Supreme Court cases and documents
-gain empathy for "others" and connect to their own communities
-learn how the United States implemented its policies concerning American Indians and their children.
-understand the economic, social , political and cultural impacts of these policies on American Indians and Whites and how these impacts helped to shape Westward Expansion.