Organs and Artificial Organs


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Rationale and Introduction
  2. Content Objectives
  3. Overview of the Circulatory System
  4. Dimensional Analysis Calculation Demonstrating Heart Reliability
  5. Introduction to Units of Measure
  6. Dimensional Analysis of Graphical Data: Ventricular Pressure vs. Volume Graph
  7. Dimensional Analysis for Evaluating Potential Power Sources for an Artificial Heart
  8. Dimensional Analysis does Problem Analysis
  9. Student Background and Challenges
  10. Strategies
  11. Classroom Activities and Lesson Plans
  12. Standards Alignment
  13. Teacher and Student Resources
  14. Endnotes
  15. Bibliography

Dimensional Analysis: A Mathematics Tool to Dissect the Circulatory System

Richard Cordia Taylor

Published September 2011

Tools for this Unit:


Huffman, F. N., and J. C. Norman. "Nuclear-Fueled Circulatory Support Systems IV: Radiologic Perspectives." Cardiovascular Diseases, Bulletin of the Texas Heart Institute 1, no. 5 (1974): 463-476. (accessed July 15, 2011).

High wattage nuclear batteries could power artificial hearts for decades

Boron, Walter F., and Emile L. Boulpaep. Medical physiology: a cellular and molecular approach. Updated ed. Philadelphia, Pa.: Elsevier Saunders, 2005.

Good coverage of the cardiorespiratory system (and other physiology as well). Lots of detail and explanation

California Department of Education. "California's Common Core Content Standards for Mathematics." (accessed July 31, 2011).

Core curriculum standards for mathematics are the official guide for what should be taught in a mathematics classroom.

"Cardiology Teaching Package - Practice Learning - Division of Nursing - The University of Nottingham." The University of Nottingham. (accessed July 16, 2011).

An organized set of pages describing cardiac function. Their own note says it all: "This teaching package has been designed for student nurses who know nothing at all about Cardiology."

"Concept Developed for an Implanted Stimulated Muscle-Powered Piezoelectric Generator." NASA - Title.... (accessed July 17, 2011).

skeletal muscle generator proposal with theoretical energy yield of 100J/day

"Essentials of the SI: Base & derived units." Physical Measurement Laboratory Homepage. (accessed July 16, 2011).

National Institute of Standards and Technology(for the USA) website

NASA. "Mars Climate Orbiter Mishap Investigation Board Phase I Report." (accessed July 21, 2011).

Official NASA report on the loss of the Mars Climate Orbiter due to inconsistency in units used.

Saltzman, W. Mark. Biomedical engineering: bridging medicine and technology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.

the definitive book on Biomedical engineering. Considerable detail and clear explanations. Great questions at the end of each chapter.

The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language . 4th ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, 2006.

"Wolters Kluwer Health." LWW Journals - Beginning with A. (accessed July 16, 2011).

Discusses the power requirements and power output of an artificial heart.


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