How Drugs Work


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Student Demographics
  3. Objectives
  4. Rationale
  5. Background
  6. Strategies
  7. Activities
  8. Appendix A: Teacher Resources
  9. Appendix B
  10. Appendix C: Implementing District Standards
  11. Endnotes
  12. Annotated Bibliography

Caution! Drug Diffusion Underway: Using Inquiry to Understand How Drugs and the Body Interact

Valerie J. Schwarz

Published September 2012

Tools for this Unit:


My fourth graders have objectives to master. The Virginia state objectives I will address in this unit are scientific investigation, measurement, fractions, data collection and elapsed time. These topics will be embedded throughout the curriculum unit. Standard 4.1L says that students will construct a physical model to clarify an explanation, demonstrate a relationship or solve a need. Standard 4.5 Students need to understand that organisms have structural adaptations or physical attributes that help them meet a life need. The unit will use the human body and the structural adaptations or physical attributes of different cells and tissues to address the 4.5 standard.


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