

  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Content objectives
  3. Background
  4. Rationale
  5. Aesthetics: toward "natural theatricality"
  6. Principles of Interpretation, pathos
  7. Principles of Judgment, logos
  8. Rhetorical structures embedded in classroom activities
  9. Class activities with performative responses
  10. Annotated bibliography and list of resources for teachers
  11. Annotated list of resources for students
  12. Materials for the classroom
  13. Appendix of state standards
  14. Appendix of Common Core State Standards
  15. Notes

Articulations: Crafting Credible Discourse on Art, Aesthetics, and Design

Gloria Brinkman

Published September 2014

Tools for this Unit:

Annotated bibliography and list of resources for teachers

Barrett,Terry. Interpreting Art, Reflecting, Wondering, and Responding. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003. This book is indispensible on the topic of critical Interpretation.

Corbett, Edward P.J. and Robert J. Conners. Classic Rhetoric for the Modern Student. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. This book is an extensive resource on rhetoric.

Fliegelman, Jay. Declaring Independence, Jefferson, Natural Language and the Culture of Performance. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1993. This book was the primary text of our seminar, a great inspiration.

Stewart, Marilyn G. Thinking Through Aesthetics. Worcester: Davis Publications, 1997. This book is a superior reference for teaching aesthetics in the K-12 classroom.

Wills, Gary. Lincoln at Gettysburg, The Words that Remade America. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1992. This book discusses the great oratory traditions that lead to Lincolns' most famous speech.

This is a college course site from Durham Tech that offers a wealth of information on Ethos, Pathos, Logos including sample essays using this way of writing. http://courses.durhamtech.edu/perkins/aris.html. Accessed 7/24/2014.

Art21 Teach. Art in the 21st Century is a PBS series, educational resource, archive, and history of contemporary art. This link to teacher resources aids in stimulating conversations in the classroom on the topic of contemporary art.

http://www.art21.org/teach. Accessed 7/29/2014.

Presentation Rubric aligned with CCSS. This website offers a free download of a rubric for use in assessment of students' public speaking projects . The rubric is aligned with Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts for grade 9-12.

http://bie.org/object/document/9_12_presentation_rubric_ccss_aligned. Accessed 7/29/2014.

This Victoria College site offers clear information about using "Monroe's Motivated Sequence". http://www2.victoriacollege.edu/~cvoss/Monroe.html. Accessed 8/13/2014.

This site is an online archive where Charles Le Brun's drawings can be viewed as they originally appeared in Méthode pour apprendre à dessiner les passions. https://archive.org/details/methodepourappre00lebr. Accessed 7/30/2014.

Le Brun the academiste. On this site can be found some of the many drawings illustrating conferences given by Charles LeBrun to the Academy about the expression of passions.

http://www.charleslebrun.com/site_anglais/academiste_english.htm. Accessed 7/29/2014.

Yale University Art Gallery, Guide to the Collection. John Trumbull, Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776. This webpage offers intriguing information about the painting and artist. http://artgallery.yale.edu/collections/objects/declaration-independence-july-4-1776. Accessed 7/29/2014.

John Adams, You Tube video. This excellent YouTube video is an excerpt from the 2008 John Adams Miniseries, showing the dramatic vote of the Congressional representatives of the 13 colonies casting their votes on the resolution to ratify the Declaration of Independence. Yale University alum, Paul Giamatti, stars as John Adams. 5:54 minutes.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrvpZxMfKaU. Accessed 07/29/2014.

This link shows John Trumbull's Declaration of Indepenence, July 4 1776 image as it appears in the rotunda of the nation's Capitol in Wshington D.C.

http://www.karstentb.com/blog/media/IMGP2558.JPG. Accessed 07/29/2014.

JFK Reading the Declaration of Indepepenence. This video, uploaded in 2008, features the voice of the late President John F. Kennedy reading the Declaration of Indepepenence. The video is beautifully laced with art and images that convey the patriotic spirit and history of our nation. Included in this video is John Trumbull's Painting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poT5yr5lJCU. Accessed 7/30/20104.

This video shows a group of Redan High School students reciting the Preamble of the Declaration of Indepepenence from memory. http://www.wsbtv.com/videos/news/redan-high-students-recite-declaration-of/vCKQ3/. Accesed 7/30/2014.

In this YouTube video, art collector and comic actor Steve Martin interviews art critic Peter Schjedahl discussing the idea of the masterpiece. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/13/the-instant-art-critique-_n_1878337.html. Accessed 7/21/2014.

Prepared Remarks of U.S. Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan on the Report, "Arts Education in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools: 2009-10". This link provides the full report. http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2012/2012014rev.pdf. Accessed 7/23/2014.


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