Appendix of state standards
This unit is appropriate for Visual Arts instruction at the Intermediate level of proficiency or its equivalent, Art II. The class activities address the three strands of the Essential Standards of Visual Literacy, Contextual Relevancy and Critical Response through the clarifying objectives noted below. This unit also addresses Common Core Anchor Standards for Writing Literacy in Technical Subjects, Grades 9-10 and English Language Arts Anchor Standards, Speaking and Listening, Grades 9-10. This unit is suitable for teaching in year 5 of the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program for Visual Arts. The unit's development follows the MYP Design Cycle and Areas of Interaction of Human Ingenuity and Approaches to Learning.
North Carolina Arts Education Essential Standards, High School Visual Arts, Intermediate level.
Visual Literacy Strand V.1: Use the language of visual arts to communicate effectively
I.V.1.3: Understand the use of global themes, symbols, and subject matter in art.
I.V.1.4: Analyze images through the process of deconstruction (the components of the image and its meaning).
Contextual Relevancy Strand CX.1: Understand the global, historical, societal, and cultural contexts of the visual arts.
I.CX.1.2: Understand the role of visual art in documenting history.
I.CX.1.5: Explain the effect of geographic location and physical environment on design, production, and marketing of art.
CX.2: Understand the interdisciplinary connections, life applications of the visual arts.
I.CX.2.2: Apply skills and knowledge learned in various disciplines to visual arts.
I.CX.2.3: Apply collaborative skills to create art.
Critical Response Strand CR.1: Use critical analysis to generate responses to a variety of prompts.
I.CR.1.2: Critique personal art using personal or teacher-generated criteria.