

  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Content objectives
  3. Background
  4. Rationale
  5. Aesthetics: toward "natural theatricality"
  6. Principles of Interpretation, pathos
  7. Principles of Judgment, logos
  8. Rhetorical structures embedded in classroom activities
  9. Class activities with performative responses
  10. Annotated bibliography and list of resources for teachers
  11. Annotated list of resources for students
  12. Materials for the classroom
  13. Appendix of state standards
  14. Appendix of Common Core State Standards
  15. Notes

Articulations: Crafting Credible Discourse on Art, Aesthetics, and Design

Gloria Brinkman

Published September 2014

Tools for this Unit:

Aesthetics: toward "natural theatricality"

Aesthetics is a branch of philosophical inquiry in which we address questions about beauty, art, experiences with art, and the meaning or significance of artworks. 10 When students are asked to consider the nature of art and their experiences with art, they are motivated to probe the conceptual structure through which they comprehend the world. In so doing, they make distinctions, see connections, and ask thought provoking questions. This process is enhanced by conversations with others who, in similar attempts to make sense of their experience, articulate their beliefs and their reasons for holding them. 11 Questions in aesthetics seldom have absolute answers. For the student this means that multiple perspectives can be considered and a variety of solutions valued.


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