Problem Solving and the Common Core


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Personalization of Problems
  4. Content Objectives
  5. Multiplication and Division One-Step Problem Taxonomy
  6. Equal Groups Problems
  7. Two-Step Multiplication and Division Problems
  8. Algebraic Representations of Word Problems
  9. Project Based Learning Activity
  10. Reading Problems With Intention
  11. Differentiation of Problem Sets
  12. Bibliography
  13. Appendix A: Royals Rise Up! Project Proposals
  14. Appendix B: Example Scenario
  15. Appendix C: Extensions of the Scenarios – Initial Cost
  16. Appendix D: Differentiation of Problems
  17. Appendix E
  18. Appendix F: Project Based Learning Activity Outline
  19. Appendix G: Academic Standards
  20. Notes

Personalizing Problem Solving

Lawrence Elliott Yee

Published September 2015

Tools for this Unit:

Differentiation of Problem Sets

The students in my classes include mainstreamed special education students, English Language Learners, and students with a range of prior knowledge and skills. In my classes, I anticipate a wide range of student mathematics abilities. The initial goal of this unit is to provide a low access threshold to students with a wide range of mathematical understanding and abilities. Using the problem structures described in Appendix D, three sets of problems can be created by simply changing the price points of the various options. Though the most realistic values for the problem would be those found in the highest level of difficulty set, I would begin by using the standard set of problems because the purpose of this unit is to entice student participation and interaction with the scenario. Once interested in the problem is established using the less intimidating prices (i.e. whole numbers), I would progressively increase the complexity and difficulty of the problems to use more real-life numerical values.


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