Problem Solving and the Common Core


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Personalization of Problems
  4. Content Objectives
  5. Multiplication and Division One-Step Problem Taxonomy
  6. Equal Groups Problems
  7. Two-Step Multiplication and Division Problems
  8. Algebraic Representations of Word Problems
  9. Project Based Learning Activity
  10. Reading Problems With Intention
  11. Differentiation of Problem Sets
  12. Bibliography
  13. Appendix A: Royals Rise Up! Project Proposals
  14. Appendix B: Example Scenario
  15. Appendix C: Extensions of the Scenarios – Initial Cost
  16. Appendix D: Differentiation of Problems
  17. Appendix E
  18. Appendix F: Project Based Learning Activity Outline
  19. Appendix G: Academic Standards
  20. Notes

Personalizing Problem Solving

Lawrence Elliott Yee

Published September 2015

Tools for this Unit:

Appendix F: Project Based Learning Activity Outline

The following is the outline for a Project Based Learning Activity intended to be a culminating project.

Launch – Entry Event

Potential activities to begin the unit include having a presentation by Californians for Justice about Participatory Budgeting, showing Participatory Budgeting video,15 and have a mini-vote based off of the Royals Rise Up! 2015 finalist proposals.

Driving Question

“If you had $50,000 to improve Overfelt, what would be the best way to spend the money?”


Each group of three students will create a project proposal that meets the criteria for the Royals Rise Up program. The project proposals will need to include projected budgets, which will need to have inequalities demonstrating monetary constraints and possible limits to number of persons that the project will positively impact.

Public Audience

Students will give a 5 minute presentation to a panel of stakeholders in the Overfelt community with the initial proposal for a project to be funded in the next cycle of Royals Rise Up. Stakeholders will include Overfelt students, parents, faculty, board members, school site council.


By having students present their work to the Overfelt community, students have the opportunity to display and share their mathematical learning through explaining how they feel money at Overfelt can be utilized. The Overfelt community and its supporters have a history of supporting student ideas, regardless of the practicality or status quo. This will promote civic engagement starting at Overfelt. Also, students may have the opportunity to enter their projects for consideration in the next round of participatory budgeting.


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