Who Am I?: Culturally Relevant Text and American Identity
Mark Holston
Published September 2016
- School Profile,” Mount Pleasant High School, Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)
Report 2013-2014
- Ibid.
- Christina Vischer Burns’ Why Literature?: The Value of Literary Reading and What It Means
for Teaching, 12
- Carol Jago, With Rigor for All, 7
- Iliana Alanis, “Developing Literacy through Culturally Relevant Texts”, 30.
- Christina Vischer Burns’ Why Literature, 15.
- Gloria Ladson-Billings “But That’s Good Teaching! The Case for Culturally Relevant
Pedagogy” 162.
- Jean S. Phinney “Ethnic Identity: Developmental and Contextual Perspectives”, 7.
- Ibid,
- Christina Vischer Burns Why Literature?,19.
- Johnathan Culler “What is Literature Now?”,178.
- Ibid
- Gloria Ladson-Billings “But That’s Just Good Teaching!,” 161.
- Cristina Vischer Bruns Why Literature?, 28-29.
- Iliana Alanis “Developing Literacy through Culturally Relevant Texts,” 32.
- Andrew Pham Catfish and Mandala, 125.
- Andrew Pham Catfish and Mandala, 7.
- Farah Qureshi “School Climates, Suicide and Gay and Lesbian Students, 2.