A., Van De Walle John. Elementary School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally. Second ed. London: Longman, 1994. This book is a good resource to go to when students are having difficulty grasping a skill. It provides scaffolding and hands-on concept development.
A., Van De Walle John, and Louann H. Lovin. Teaching Student Centered Mathematics, Grades 3-5. Vol. Two. Three vols. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon, 2006. This book is excellent for providing background information, suggesting activities, and a rationale for the proper sequence of instruction.
A., Van De Walle John. Teaching Student-centered Mathematics: Grades 5-8. Vol. Three. Three vols. Allyn & Bacon, 2008. This book provided excellent background information, activities, and insight to the proper progression of learning area and perimeter and geometry.
Boaler, Jo. Whats Math Got to Do with It?: How Teachers and Parents Can Transform Mathematics Learning and Inspire Success. New York: Penguin Books, 2015. A very interesting read to provide insight into the benefits of using meaningful math tasks versus traditional teaching methods.
Chew, Terry. Singapore Math Challenge: Grade 3. Columbus, OH: Frank Schaffer Publications, 2013. This book provides excellent problems to challenge young learners.
Hoffer, A.R., & Hoffer, S.A.K. van Hiele’s based research. Acquisition of mathematics concepts and processes. Orlando: Academic Press, 1983. A nice explanation of van Hiele’s levels of Geometric Thought.
Kelemanik, Grace, Amy Lucenta, Susan Janssen. Creighton, and Magdalene Lampert. Routines for Reasoning: Fostering the Mathematical Practices in All Students. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2016. Another resource written to help teachers implement the Common Core Standards for Mathematics Practice in an effort to help all students engage in doing mathematics.
Kenney, Patricia Ann & Kouba, Vicky L. “What Do Students Know about Measurement?” Results from the sixth mathematics assessment of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (1997): 141-163. An interesting report that lends insight into math deficiencies in American students.
McCoy, Ann C., Joann Barnett, and Emily Combs. High Yield Routines. Reston: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2013. This book provides ways to integrate easily the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice.