Appendix on Implementing District Standards:
Standards in Unit 3 (Tulsa Public Schools)- U.S. Government
USG 3.7- Evaluate the importance of the rule of law on the purposes and functions of government; explain how the rule of law protects individual liberties, including due process and equality under the law.
USG 3.9- Analyze the rights and liberties guaranteed to all citizens in the Bill of Rights and the protection at the state level through the doctrine of incorporation using the 14th Amendment.
USG 3.11- Analyze historical and contemporary examples of landmark Supreme Court cases with specific individual due process rights under the Constitution. Organizations also formed, such as the National Organization for Women (NOW) in 1964, whose first president was Betty Friedan.
1.A.9-12.2 Evaluate the impact of perspectives, civic virtues, democratic principles, constitutional rights, and human rights on addressing issues and problems in society.
B. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the essential institutions of their society and the principles that these institutions intended to reflect.
1.B.9-12.2 Analyze the role of informed and responsible citizens in their political systems and provide examples of changes in civic participation over time.
C. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the processes and rules by which people make decisions, govern themselves, and address public problems.
1.C.9-12.2 Engage in a range of deliberative and democratic processes to develop strategies to address authentic, real-world problems in the community and out of school contexts
4. Read Critically and Interpret Informational Sources Students will engage in the critical, active reading of grade-level-appropriate primary and secondary sources related to essential social studies concepts, including systematic analysis and interpretation of informational sources.
A. Students will comprehend, evaluate, and synthesize textual sources to acquire and refine knowledge in social studies.
4.A.9-12.2 Analyze information from visual, aural, digital, and interactive texts (e.g., maps, charts, images, political cartoons, videos) to conclude and defend arguments.
B. Students will apply critical reading and thinking skills to interpret, evaluate, and respond to various complex texts from historical, ethnic, and global perspectives.
4.B.9-12.3 Actively listen, evaluate, and analyze a speaker’s message, asking questions while engaged in collaborative discussions and debates about social studies topics and texts.
5. Engage in Evidence-Based Writing Students will apply practical communication skills by demonstrating various evidence-based written products designed for multiple purposes and tasks to demonstrate their understanding of social studies concepts, ideas, and content.
A. Students will summarize and paraphrase, integrate evidence, and cite sources to create written products, research projects, and presentations for multiple purposes related to social studies content.
5.A.9-12.4 Write independently over extended periods, varying modes of expression to suit the audience, purpose, and task; synthesize information across multiple sources and articulate new perspectives. B. Students will engage in authentic inquiry to acquire, refine, and share knowledge through written presentations related to social studies.
5.B.9-12.3 Construct visual and multimedia presentations using various media forms to enhance understanding of findings and reasoning for diverse audiences.