Transitions in the Conception of Number: From Whole Numbers to Rational Numbers to Algebra


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. School Demographic
  3. Rationale
  4. Content Objective
  5. Appendix on Implementing District Standards
  6. Teaching Strategies
  7. Using Fraction strips
  8. Partitioning Shapes
  9. Sample Activities
  10. Activity 2
  11. Activity 3
  12. Activity 4
  13. Appendix
  14. Notes
  15. Annotated Bibliography

Teaching Elementary Fractions Using Fractions Strips

Jessica Mason

Published September 2023

Tools for this Unit:

Annotated Bibliography

This site gives a very precise and clear explanation of the CPA Approach.

Duke, N. K., & Pearson, P. D. (2002). Effective practices for developing reading comprehension. In What research has to say about reading instruction A. E. Farstup & S. J. Samuels, Newark, DE: International Reading Association. This information explains the gradual release model.

This site gives different ways to use fraction strips in the classroom to build number sense.

Fernell Francis, Fractions are Foundational (NCTM News Bulletin, December 2007) This article explains how we should approach teaching fractions.  It explains that fractions are the foundation of algebra.

Fisher Johnathan. Fraction: Partitioning and the part –whole concept.  Teaching and Learning. This article discusses what partitioning is. This will help the teacher to understand the importance of teaching students how to partition shapes. 

Lamon Susan, Teaching fractions and ratios for Understanding: Essential Content Knowledge and instructional strategies for teachers. (Mahwah, New Jersey, 1999) This book talks about content knowledge and gives teaching strategies.

Maccini, Paula & Mulcahy, Candace & Wilson, Michael. 2007 A Follow-Up of Mathematics Interventions for Secondary Students with Learning Disabilities. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice. This

Neagoy, Moncia. 2017, Unpacking Fractions: Classroom-Tested Strategies to Build Students’ Mathematical Understanding. Alexandria, VA: NCTM. The information in this book suggests how to unpack fractions. It gives insight on what teachers could do to help students to understand and master fractions.

National Center for Education Statistics. (2001). The nation’s report card: Mathematics 2000. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics Press. This report gives information regarding how students performed in Mathematics in 2000.

The Nation's Report Card: 2022 Mathematics Snapshot Report: Illinois Grade 8 ( This report gives data regarding the performance of Illinois students in grade 8 for math.

Van de Walle John, Elementary and Middle School Mathematic Teaching Developmentally (Boston: Pearson, 2007) 293 This book is great and has a wealth of knowledge regarding developing fraction concepts. It also provides a list of stories to read about fractions as well as examples of activities for different fraction models.

Witzel Bradley & Riccomini Paul, Computation of Fractions Math Intervention for Elementary and Middle Grades Students (New Jersey: Pearson,2009) This book gave insight on how we can provide intervention for all learners.

1Witzel Bradley & Riccomini Paul, Computation of Fractions Math Intervention for Elementary and Middle Grades Students (New Jersey: Pearson,2009), 6.

2 Fernell Francis, Fractions are Foundational (NCTM News Bulletin, December 2007)

3 National Center for Education Statistics. (2001). The nation’s report card: Mathematics 2000. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics Press.

4 CPA Approach Explained | Learn the Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract Method (

5 Van de Walle John, Elementary and Middle School Mathematic Teaching Developmentally (Boston :Pearson, 2007) 293

6  Neagoy, Monica. 2017. Unpacking Fractions. Alexiandria, VA.

7 Van de Walle John, Elementary and Middle School Mathematic Teaching Developmentally (Boston :Pearson, 2007)

8 Using Fraction Strips to Build Fraction Number Sense - (

9 Fisher Johnathan. Fraction: Partitioning and the part –whole concept.  Teaching and Learning.

Lamon S, Teaching fractions and ratios for Understanding: Essential Content Knowledge and instructional strategies for teachers. ( Mahwah, New Jersey, 1999)

10  Duke, N. K., & Pearson, P. D. (2002). Effective practices for developing reading comprehension. In What research has to say about reading instruction. 2002, p 211


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