Transitions in the Conception of Number: From Whole Numbers to Rational Numbers to Algebra


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. School Demographic
  3. Rationale
  4. Content Objective
  5. Appendix on Implementing District Standards
  6. Teaching Strategies
  7. Using Fraction strips
  8. Partitioning Shapes
  9. Sample Activities
  10. Activity 2
  11. Activity 3
  12. Activity 4
  13. Appendix
  14. Notes
  15. Annotated Bibliography

Teaching Elementary Fractions Using Fractions Strips

Jessica Mason

Published September 2023

Tools for this Unit:

Using Fraction strips

Fraction strips are a versatile and engaging tool for teaching fractions in the classroom. Fraction strips can help students conceptualize fractions, as compare, add and subtract, and even multiply and divide them. Manipulatives and visual representations are evidence-based strategies that support learning new math concepts.

Fraction strips can help students not only understand the concept of dividing fractions. Using the strips helps students see how to solve these problems without having to do any calculations. Fraction strips are a versatile and engaging tool for teaching fractions in the classroom. “By using fraction strips, students can develop a deep understanding of fractions and build their math skills in a fun and interactive way” according to the Educate With Ease website ( Teaching with fraction strips can help struggling students with spatial abilities. Using fraction strips helps students to see unit fractions are one piece of the whole. The strips help students learn to break fractions into parts. Using the strips also helps students with comparing fractions. Students can place fractions in order based on how big or small they are. Using the fraction strips helps the student see where the fractions are placed on the number line. Students will also learn about equivalent fractions. They will find that equivalent fractions might have different numerators and denominators, but they have the same value. Using fraction strips, along other with manipulatives such as number lines, fraction tiles, Cuisenaire rods, and fraction tower linking cubes can lead to a better understanding of fraction concepts.8


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