American Voices: Listening to Fiction, Poetry, and Prose


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction/Rationale
  2. Objectives
  3. African American Identity
  4. Langston Speaks (excerpt)
  5. Stop the Violence/Teaching Tolerance
  6. Technology Integration/Media clips: According to
  7. Hip Hop Artist Speaks: Hurricane Katrina
  8. Point of View: Using the N-WORD!!!
  9. My Student's Respond
  10. Lessons in Voice
  11. Dr. King
  12. Dreams Deep-Fried
  13. Appendix A: Assessment Rubric "Lift Every Voice"
  14. Appendix B :Goals/Illinois Standards
  15. Bibliography
  16. Notes

Lift Every Voice and Sing An Analysis of Social Change "Hope" through Voices of Hip-Hop

Sharon Monique Ponder

Published September 2008

Tools for this Unit:

Dr. King

Wake up my people

We don't have time to dream

It's action time

Our countries at war

Did the Dow-Jones soar?

Unemployment at an all time high

The bush administration will deny

Weapons of mass destruction

We don't have time to dream

Time for reconstruction

Al Sharpton, Barak Obama, Jesse Jackson

Why are we waiting for their reaction?

I repeat





No child is to be left behind

Miseducation of the Negro

Is America blind?

Who's keeping the dream alive?

Did it die in 1968 After Watergate?

Knock on the door of Dreams

Maybe reality will Answer and say

Dr. King did not intend for us to limit ourselves only to a DREAM

Wake up, Wake up, Wake up!

Written by Sharon M. Ponder in response to a once a year dedication to learning about Dr. King's dreams for a better America. Most children walk around in a comatose state not realizing that Dr. Kings dreams were about taking responsibility and ownership of improving the world, the environment in which we live.


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