American Voices: Listening to Fiction, Poetry, and Prose


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction/Rationale
  2. Objectives
  3. African American Identity
  4. Langston Speaks (excerpt)
  5. Stop the Violence/Teaching Tolerance
  6. Technology Integration/Media clips: According to
  7. Hip Hop Artist Speaks: Hurricane Katrina
  8. Point of View: Using the N-WORD!!!
  9. My Student's Respond
  10. Lessons in Voice
  11. Dr. King
  12. Dreams Deep-Fried
  13. Appendix A: Assessment Rubric "Lift Every Voice"
  14. Appendix B :Goals/Illinois Standards
  15. Bibliography
  16. Notes

Lift Every Voice and Sing An Analysis of Social Change "Hope" through Voices of Hip-Hop

Sharon Monique Ponder

Published September 2008

Tools for this Unit:


  1. The lines here are from the celebrated Negro National Anthem titled "Lift Every Voice and Sing" written by James Weldon Johnson and music by John H. Johnson 1899.
  2. Kwaito is a music genre that emerged in Johannesburg South Africa in early 1990's. Kwaito was born in Soweto, one of the townships where blacks were forced to live during the time of Apartheid, spreading into other parts of Africa similar to American Hip Hop.
  3. Tupac Shakur Album "Still I Rise" released December 21, 1999, label:Interscope, title track "The Good Die Young, Source:
  4. Excerpt of "Afro American Fragments" by Langston Hughes, published by Knopf and vintage books, copyright@ 1994 by the Estate of Langston Hughes, all rights reserved. Permission of Harold Ober Associates Incorporated.
  5. Excerpt of "Afro American Fragments" by Langston Hughes written in 1930, published by Knopf and vintage books, copyright@ 1994 by the Estate of Langston Hughes, all rights reserved. Permission of Harold Ober Associates Incorporated.
  6. Mary Mcleod Bethune's "Last Will and Testament" A Legacy for Race Vindication" Journal of Negro History. 8 (1/4)p. 105-122 Source: Bethune Cookman University
  7. Peter Elbow, "Writing &Voice" Writing with Power. ed New York" Oxford University Press 1998.
  8. Peter Elbow, "Writing &Voice" Writing with Power. ed New York" Oxford University Press 1998.
  9. Tupac Shakur Album "Still I Rise" released December 21, 1999, label:Interscope, title track "The Good Die Young, Source:
  10. ABC7 News'Charles Thomas and Ben Bradley on Wednesday, September 26, 2008 at 10:35p.m. Now available on-demand
  11. Student Chavez shot to death near Simeon High School 3/29/08
  12. Paulo Freire "Education as the Practice of Freedom" 1967: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. Jan 25 2001.
  13. Photograph taken from HBO Documentary films/When The Levees Broke: A Requeim in four Acts;2008 Home Box Office, Inc, All Rights Reserved.
  14. Quote taken from HBO Documentary films/When The Levees Broke: A Requeim in four Acts;2008 Home Box Office, Inc, All Rights Reserved.
  15. Quote taken from HBO Documentary films/When The Levees Broke: A Requeim in four Acts;2008 Home Box Office, Inc, All Rights Reserved.
  16. Hurricane Katrina Facts/source:
  17. "We Shall Overcome" A song of protest used during the Civil Rights Movement/musical composition by Charles Tindley; Pete Seeger one of the first artist to record the song 1900's Source:University of Virginia Library: Lift Every Voice/Exhibit: Music in American Life
  18. Paulo Freire "Education as the Practice of Freedom" 1967: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. Jan 25 2001.
  19. Kanye West's Torrent of Criticism, Live on NBC by Lisa de Moraes Saturday, September 3, 2005; Page C01
  20. Lil Wayne lyrics "Tie My Hands" from the CD titled" The Carter III/Cash Money Records
  21. Quote: Muhammed Ali, Statement made April 28, 1967 when drafted in the U.S. Army during the war in Vietnam in which he refused to go based on discrimination practices on America.
  22. Definition of the term "nigger"
  23. Young Jeezy: title track "Airforces" CD titled "Thug Motivation 101" Def Jam Records sources/elyrics
  24. Countee Cullen poem excerpt from the "Incident" 1925:opyright 1925 Harper & Bros., renewed by Ida M. Cullen
  25. James Welson Johnson 1912 Source: The Wisdom of the elders/Reflection of African American Culture, Robert Fleming pg. 58
  26. Emily Bernard an article on Teaching the N-Word, October 2005:Source: the
  27. 12Million Black voices/text by Richard Wright: published by thunder's Mouth Press copyright 1941
  28. Let America Be America Agin by Langston Hughes, published by Knopf and Vintage Books, copyright@1994 by the Estate of Langston Hughes, all rights reserved, permission of Harold Ober


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