Appendix B :Goals/Illinois Standards
Illinois Learning Standard for Language Arts
Read with understanding and fluency SG1
Analyze and evaluate information from text including public and functional documents.
- Engage in critical analysis to identify and assess
- Examine and analyze the arguments and positions advanced in public documents.
- Make and support warranted assertions with elaborated and convincing evidence drawn from the
- Author's purpose and stance
- Appeal of a document to audiences both friendly and hostile to the position presented
- Social context of the document or media clip
- Use the language arts for inquiry and research to acquire, organize, evaluate and communicate information.
- CAS A. Conduct research individually and cooperatively, analyzing and applying the acquired
information to produce presentations.
- Generate written reports from key information obtained from two or more primary and or secondary sources that develop and support ideas clearly to convey a perspective on the subject.
- Research and report on the impact of media upon the formulations of trends and opinions in contemporary life.
- Use a variety of visual
Illinois State Goal 3 Write to communicate for a variety of purposes: Write with focus, organization, coherence and unity in relation to purpose and audience, using a variety of supporting evidence and detail.
- Choose the appropriate form for ones writing, (e.g., reviews, poems narratives) the voice and style appropriate to audience and purpose.
- Using a variety of effective and coherent organizational patterns including: comparison and
- Similarity and difference
- Posing and answering a question
- Students will share their voice through a series of writing
Illinois State Goal 5 Use the language arts for inquiry and research to acquire, organize, analyze, evaluate and communicate information: contain a consistent voice, tone and focus throughout the piece of writing and use appropriate transitional words, phrases, and devices to connect and unify key ideas and claims.