American Voices: Listening to Fiction, Poetry, and Prose


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction/Rationale
  2. Objectives
  3. African American Identity
  4. Langston Speaks (excerpt)
  5. Stop the Violence/Teaching Tolerance
  6. Technology Integration/Media clips: According to
  7. Hip Hop Artist Speaks: Hurricane Katrina
  8. Point of View: Using the N-WORD!!!
  9. My Student's Respond
  10. Lessons in Voice
  11. Dr. King
  12. Dreams Deep-Fried
  13. Appendix A: Assessment Rubric "Lift Every Voice"
  14. Appendix B :Goals/Illinois Standards
  15. Bibliography
  16. Notes

Lift Every Voice and Sing An Analysis of Social Change "Hope" through Voices of Hip-Hop

Sharon Monique Ponder

Published September 2008

Tools for this Unit:

Appendix B :Goals/Illinois Standards

Illinois Learning Standard for Language Arts

Read with understanding and fluency SG1

Analyze and evaluate information from text including public and functional documents.

  1. Engage in critical analysis to identify and assess
  2. Examine and analyze the arguments and positions advanced in public documents.
  3. Make and support warranted assertions with elaborated and convincing evidence drawn from the documents(s)
    • Author's purpose and stance
    • Appeal of a document to audiences both friendly and hostile to the position presented
    • Social context of the document or media clip
  • Use the language arts for inquiry and research to acquire, organize, evaluate and communicate information.
  • CAS A. Conduct research individually and cooperatively, analyzing and applying the acquired information to produce presentations.
    • Generate written reports from key information obtained from two or more primary and or secondary sources that develop and support ideas clearly to convey a perspective on the subject.
    • Research and report on the impact of media upon the formulations of trends and opinions in contemporary life.
    • Use a variety of visual

Illinois State Goal 3 Write to communicate for a variety of purposes: Write with focus, organization, coherence and unity in relation to purpose and audience, using a variety of supporting evidence and detail.

  • Choose the appropriate form for ones writing, (e.g., reviews, poems narratives) the voice and style appropriate to audience and purpose.
  • Using a variety of effective and coherent organizational patterns including: comparison and contrast
    • Similarity and difference
    • Posing and answering a question
    • Students will share their voice through a series of writing

Illinois State Goal 5 Use the language arts for inquiry and research to acquire, organize, analyze, evaluate and communicate information: contain a consistent voice, tone and focus throughout the piece of writing and use appropriate transitional words, phrases, and devices to connect and unify key ideas and claims.


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