"AWEA - American Wind Energy Association." AWEA - American Wind Energy Association. (accessed July 15, 2014).
This website provides information for states and individuals interested in wind power. It includes educational resources, state-by-state information, and news on projects related to wind power.
Beach, Richard, and Amanda Haertling Thein. Teaching to exceed the English language arts common core state standards: a literacy practices approach for 6-12 classrooms. New York: Routledge, 2012.
This book provides a rationale and methods for teaching the Common Core ELA Standards in secondary classrooms. The book is easily navigable due to its highly organized structure.
Central, Inc. Global weirdness: severe storms, deadly heat waves, relentless drought, rising seas, and the weather of the future. New York: Pantheon Books, 2012.
This book is a to-the-point guide on climate change. It covers all of the pertinent information on the global impacts of climate change and the progress that is being made globally to make a change.
"Climate Change and Delaware." Environmental Protection Agency 1 (1997): 1-4. (accessed July 15, 2014).
This article presented projections for Delaware's future in relation to the changing climate. It presents information on Delaware's ecosystem, geography, and population and describes how climate change will impact the state.
Delaware Sea Level Rise Vulnerability. "Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control." Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control. (accessed July 15, 2014).
This lengthy article described the models used for collecting and projecting climate change data and outlined several courses of action for the state of Delaware.
YouTube. "Dr. Chajes to City Council: Do everything you can to stop the power plant." YouTube. (accessed July 30, 2014).
This speech offers the students an example of a persuasive speech. There is transcript of the speech under the "about" tab.
Droege, Peter. Urban energy transition from fossil fuels to renewable power. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2008.
This book describes the impact of climate change on the urban centers of the world. It describes policies for curbing carbon emissions and lifestyle changes that must happen as we move away from the use of fossil fuels.
"Education Strategies for Structured Discussion." NWABR.ORG. (accessed July 30, 2014).
This website provides a wealth of information on conducting debates in the classroom.
Eichmann, Mark. "University of Delaware terminates Data Center project - NewsWorks." (accessed July 30, 2014).
This article explains why the power plant and data center was not built in Newark, DE.
"Ethanol." Fuel Economy. (accessed July 15, 2014).
This website provides a wealth of information on the production and use of ethanol.
Gore, Al. Our Choice. Computer Software. Version 1.0.4. Push Pop Press.September 17, 2013. Web. (accessed July 15, 2014).
This iPad application is essentially an interactive book. It includes numerous chapters of information on climate change and alternative sources of energy. It has charts, diagrams, videos, and photos to illustrate the concepts.
Hayhoe, Katharine, Anne Stoner, and Rodica Gelca. "Climate Change Projections and Indicators for Delaware." Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control. (accessed July 15, 2014).
This article provides a detailed explanation of lower and higher global warming scenarios for Delaware. It includes models for precipitation, temperature, and sea level changes specific to the Mid-Atlantic region.
Higgins, C., and R. Walker. 2012. "Ethos, logos, pathos: Strategies of persuasion in social/environmental reports". Accounting Forum. 36 (3): 194-208.
This article gives specific suggestions on how to add rhetorical appeals to scientific writing and research.
Kemper, Dave, Patrick Sebranek, Verne Meyer, and Chris Krenzke. Write source: a book for writing, thinking and learning. Wilmington, Mass.: Write Source, 2007.
This is one of my favorite books for building literacy in middle school students. It includes student-friendly descriptions of different types of writing, graphic organizers, and self-evaluation tools. A must-have for teachers in any content area interested in incorporating high-quality writing assignments in their classroom.
Lewin, Larry, and Betty Jean Shoemaker. Great performances creating classroom-based assessment tasks. 2nd ed. Alexandria, Va.: ASCD, 2011.
This book has an excellent section on setting up a classroom debate.
Markell, Jack. "Obama has right plan for climate change." Governors Blog RSS. (accessed July 15, 2014).
Delaware Governor Jack Markell's blog. A great resource for current political issues in Delaware.
"Newsela | Nonfiction Literacy and Current Events." Newsela | Nonfiction Literacy and Current Events. (accessed June 26, 2014).
An excellent site for students and teachers for current events. Each article can be printed at multiple grade levels.
NGA Center and CCSSO. "English Language Arts Standards: Writing: Grade 6-8." Home. (accessed July 14, 2014).
This website describes the Common Core State Standards.
"NOAA Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management." NOAA Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management. (accessed July 15, 2014).
This website provides information on methods to prepare coastal regions for sea level rise.
Sierra Club. "New Power Plant Stopped on University of Delaware Campus." Sierra Club. (accessed July 30, 2014).
This article explains the process that Delaware residents and environmentalists took against the building of a power plan in Newark, DE.
Perks, Kevin. "Crafting Effective Choices to Motivate Students." Ohio Resource Center. (accessed July 15, 2014).
This article is a rational for using choice with students.
"State of Delaware - Search and Services/Information." State of Delaware. (accessed July 14, 2014).
This website explains Delaware's social studies standards.
WHYY. "What's On TV." A Conversation with Governor Jack Markell of Delaware. (accessed July 30, 2014).
This clip is an interview between a Delaware resident and state Governor Jack Markell about the proposed power plant project.
Yamaguchi, Mitsutsune. Climate change mitigation a balanced approach to climate change. London: Springer, 2012.
This book provides a comprehensive view of current governmental policies related to climate change.