

  1. Unit Guide
  1. Unit Description
  2. Rationale
  3. Introduction
  4. Standards
  5. Background
  6. Climate Change and Delaware
  7. Background for Debate Topic 1: Delaware's Coast
  8. Background for Debate Topic 2: Ethanol E85 Requirement for Delaware Drivers
  9. Background for Debate Topic 3: Wind Energy for Delaware
  10. Governor Markell and Climate Change
  11. Teaching Strategies
  12. Activity 1: Can Delaware residents really make changes that benefit the environment?
  13. Activity 2: Choosing the Right Words
  14. Bibliography
  15. Notes

Energizing the Debate: The Pros and Cons of Renewable Sources of Energy

April Higgins

Published September 2014

Tools for this Unit:


1. Beach, Thein, and Webb, Teaching to exceed the English language arts common core state standards: a literacy practices approach for 6-12 classrooms, 162-167.

2. Droege, Peter. Urban energy transition from fossil fuels to renewable power, 1.


4. Beach, Thein, and Webb, Teaching to exceed the English language arts common core state standards: a literacy practices approach for 6-12 classrooms, 162-167.

5. "State of Delaware - Search and Services/Information." State of Delaware.


6. NGA Center and CCSSO. "English Language Arts Standards: Writing: Grade 6-8."

7. Central, Inc. Global weirdness: severe storms, deadly heat waves, relentless drought, rising seas, and the weather of the future, 20.

8. Central, Inc. Global weirdness, 19.

9. Central, Inc. Global weirdness, 20.

10. "Climate Change and Delaware." Environmental Protection Agency, 2.

11. Gore, Al. Our Choice. Computer Software. http://itunes.apple.com.

12. Central, Inc. Global weirdness, 20

13. "Climate Change and Delaware." Environmental Protection Agency, 2.

14. Central, Inc. Global weirdness, 10-15.

15. Gore, Al. Our Choice. Computer Software. http://itunes.apple.com.

16. Hayhoe, Katharine, Anne Stoner, and Rodica Gelca. "Climate Change Projections and Indicators for Delaware." Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, 18.

17. "Climate Change and Delaware." Environmental Protection Agency, 2.

18. Yamaguchi, Mitsutsune. Climate change mitigation a balanced approach to climate change, 2.

19. "Climate Change and Delaware." Environmental Protection Agency, 3.

20. "Climate Change and Delaware." Environmental Protection Agency, 3.

21. "Climate Change and Delaware." Environmental Protection Agency, 4.

22. Hayhoe, Katharine, Anne Stoner, and Rodica Gelca. "Climate Change Projections and Indicators for Delaware." Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, 48.

23. "Climate Change and Delaware." Environmental Protection Agency, 3.

24. "Climate Change and Delaware." Environmental Protection Agency, 2.

25. Hayhoe, Katharine, Anne Stoner, and Rodica Gelca. "Climate Change Projections and Indicators for Delaware." Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, 49.

26. "Climate Change and Delaware." Environmental Protection Agency, 4.

27. Delaware Sea Level Rise Vulnerability. "Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control."

28. "Climate Change and Delaware." Environmental Protection Agency, 4.

29. "Climate Change and Delaware." Environmental Protection Agency, 3.

30. Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control. Delaware Sea Level Rise Vulnerability.

31. "Climate Change and Delaware." Environmental Protection Agency, 4.

32. NOAA Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management." NOAA Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management.

33. NOAA Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management." NOAA Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management.

34. NOAA Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management." NOAA Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management.

35. "Ethanol." Fuel Economy.

36. "Ethanol." Fuel Economy.

37. "Ethanol." Fuel Economy.

38. "AWEA - American Wind Energy Association." AWEA - American Wind Energy Association

39. Central, Inc. Global weirdness: severe storms, deadly heat waves, relentless drought, rising seas, and the weather of the future, NEED PAGE #.

40. Markell, Jack. "Obama has right plan for climate change."

41. Perks, Kevin. "Crafting Effective Choices to Motivate Students."

42. Lewin, Larry, and Betty Jean Shoemaker. Great performances creating classroom-based assessment tasks, 83-87.

43. WHYY. "What's On TV." A Conversation with Governor Jack Markell of Delaware.

44. Eichmann, Mark. "University of Delaware terminates Data Center project - NewsWorks."

45. Sierra Club. "New Power Plant Stopped on University of Delaware Campus."

46. Dr. Chajes to City Council: Do everything you can to stop the power plant. (2014, May 13). YouTube.

47. "Education Strategies for Structured Discussion." NWABR.ORG.


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