Background for Debate Topic 3: Wind Energy for Delaware
The third debate topic is, "Delaware should work toward the use of wind energy as its primary source of energy." Wind energy is renewable and already in use all over the globe. The power of the wind is converted into energy as it propels wind turbines that are connected to an electric power transmission network. Wind farms are a group of wind turbines that offer renewable and clean energy that takes up a relatively small area of land. There are no carbon emissions when using wind power. In Delaware, the use of electricity from this power source would save 1,100,000 gallons of water each year. But Delaware is only 39 th in the nation for wind energy and has only one wind turbine in the state that was built in 2010. According to the American Wind Energy Association, "The wind power installed in Delaware will avoid 3,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually, the equivalent of taking 550 cars off the road." and wind power is capable of "providing more than four times Delaware's current electricity demand." 38
The windiest places in the United States are typically far from large populations this requires the energy to be moved through power lines that are costly to build and maintain. The wind turbines themselves are expensive to construct and many residents consider them to be eyesores, ruining the scenic view. Wind turbines can be loud which has been shown to have a negative affect on animal behavior in the region. Wind is variable, it can be unreliable so communities relying on wind energy must have a backup power source. 39