Supporting Activities
- Math Talk Prompts – Each prompt or problem set should match the figures discussed in the unit. They can be delivered in sets or individually. The format could be a math journal entry, group problem sets, or even as an exit ticket. I encourage you to create problems that fit the needs of your classroom. There are only suggested examples provided below in A2, with differentiated types for whole number, rational number, and decimal prompts
- Number line partition with unit fractions. Students will create their own number line with the unit fractions with denominators 2-10. This will be used as a reference in their notebooks.
- Vocabulary List for Unit. Pictures are encouraged and tailored to specific class.
- Numerator
- Denominator
- Greater Than, Less Than
- Equivalent
- Unit Fraction
- Rational Number
- Improper Fraction
- Mixed Number
- Table Mats: Students will have their own workspace on a piece of divided butcher-block paper. Each student will complete the same problem in his or her own workspace. Once the team agrees on the answer, it is placed in the center circle. They raise their hands to signal the teacher to come check the work. After the teacher checks the work to make sure it is accurate, then and only then can the team can move on to the next problem. The teacher is encouraged to only say correct or incorrect to allow students to make meaning on their own. Students are encouraged to work together so that everyone in the group participates and understands. Below is an example of how the paper is divided.
Paper Example: