The Number Line in the Common Core


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Context
  2. Description of Structure of Unit 
  3. Progression of Concepts
  4. Concept #1: Establishing the Measurement Principle and Placing Positive Whole Numbers on the Number Line
  5. Concept #2: Placing Positive/Negative Integers on the Number Line and Introduction of Numbers as Vectors.
  6. Concept #3: Comparing Integers on the Number Line
  7. Concept #4: Introduction to Unit Fractions and Defining General Fractions as Multiples of the Unit Fraction
  8. Concept #5: Placing Fractions on the Number Line
  9. Concept #6: Placing Decimals on the Number Line Using the Expanded Form
  10. Strategies
  11. Supporting Activities
  12. Appendices
  13. Bibliography
  14. Notes

Rational Number Placement on the Number Line

Jeffrey Rossiter

Published September 2016

Tools for this Unit:

Description of Structure of Unit 

Major concepts will continue to be introduced throughout the year in the form of Math Talks and other types of discussion-based classroom techniques. This unit will be taught in its entirety and is intended to lay the foundations for establishing a routine after the initial ideas are understood. This unit is remedial in nature and can be taught as intervention as well. But because of its position at the 7th/8th grade level where students are deepening their fluency of number sense topics, this unit will set up my students to be successful mathematical problems solvers in the future. This unit is intended to be used in succession with Aaron Bingea’s unit titled: Adding and Subtracting Rational Numbers on the Number Line. While my unit focuses on the foundational skill of placing various classes of numbers on the number line, Aaron’s unit will deal with the operations of addition and subtraction.


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