Chemistry of Cooking


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale 
  3. Laws of Thermodynamics
  4. Heat Transfer
  5. States of Matter 
  6. Chemical Reactions in Baking 
  7. Exploring the Five Senses
  8. Strategies
  9. Activities
  10. Notes
  11. Bibliography
  12. Teacher Resources
  13. Web Resources
  14. Student Resources
  15. Appendix

Matter Chatter: Exploring the effect heat has on states of matter using the five senses

Annie Overose McGill

Published September 2017

Tools for this Unit:


Week 1 - Solids

This unit will be split into six week-long sections.  The first week will begin with an exploration into the solid state of matter.  I will have a mystery bag with an assortment of different solid classroom materials.  The scholars will reach in and pull an item out of the bag until the bag is empty.  The scholars will discuss what they think these items have in common.  I will neither confirm nor deny their theories.  Next, I will read aloud the book States of Matter: Solids by Maria Koran.  After identifying and describing key vocabulary, I will assist the scholars in creating an anchor chart for solids.  Next, the scholars will then revisit the items and discuss what they have in common.  The sought answer is that they are all solids.  Day two will be for researching solids on the website PebbleGoThe scholars will document their findings in their scientific journals during small group time.  Day three, the scholars will experiment with solid states of matter through engineering a shape made entirely of solids. Day four, the scholars will document about a solid (such as a LEGO) in their scientific journals using their five senses.  Day five, each small group will share their discoveries with the rest of the class through a written or oral presentation.


  1. Scholars will identify that solid is a state of matter.
  2. Scholars will name the characteristics of a solid using their five senses.
  3. Scholars will conduct research using technology to discover information about solids.
  4. Scholars will record data about solids in their journals.


A small bag or sack

An assortment of classroom materials that are solid

States of Matter: Solids book by Maria Koran

Anchor chart paper

Scientific journals

Computers for research

Solid material for building shapes, examples: blocks, LEGO, K’Nex


Scholars will meet all of the objectives listed in the objectives section.

Week Two - Liquids

The state of matter for this week is liquid.  Day one will begin with the scholars observing five bottles that I brought to school. Each bottle will contain a different liquid and the last will contain multiple liquids. The scholars will engage in a discussion over what each of these items have in common.  I will read the book States of Matter: Liquids by Maria Koran.  Last, the scholars will create an anchor chart for liquids.  Day two, the scholars will research liquids using the websites PebbleGo and BrainPop Jr.  The scholars will document their findings in their scientific journals during small group time.  Day three, the scholars will experiment with the liquid state of matter through creating their own bottle of colored liquids with varying densities.  They will explore why liquids separate within the bottles.  Day four, the scholars will document about a liquid in their scientific journals using their five senses.  Day five, each small group will share their discoveries with the rest of the class through a written or oral presentation.


  1. Scholars will identify that liquid is a state of matter.
  2. Scholars will name the characteristics of a liquid using their five senses.
  3. Scholars will conduct research using technology to discover information about liquids.
  4. Scholars will record data about liquids in their journals.


Five bottles with different liquids

States of Matter: Liquids by Maria Koran

Anchor chart paper

Scientific journals

Computers for research

Four or five liquids dyed using food coloring to create density bottles

One small bottle for each scholar

Glue gun to glue bottle shut


Scholars will meet all of the objectives listed in the objectives section.

Week 3 - Gases

Gas is the state of matter for this week.  Day one will begin with the scholars observing two balloons; one filled with helium and one filling up with carbon dioxide.  The scholars will engage in a discussion over what these balloons have in common.  I will read the book States of Matter: Gases by Maria Koran.  Last, the scholars will create an anchor chart for gases.  Day two, the scholars will research gases using the websites PebbleGo and BrainPop Jr.  The scholars will document their findings in their scientific journals during small group time.  Day three, the scholars will experiment with gas by blowing regular bubbles and then they will try to catch smoke bubbles.  Day four, the scholars will document about gases in their scientific journals using their five senses.  Day five, each small group will share their discoveries with the rest of the class through a written or oral presentation.


  1. Scholars will identify that gas is a state of matter.
  2. Scholars will name the characteristics of a gas using their five senses.
  3. Scholars will conduct research using technology to discover information about gases.
  4. Scholars will record data about gases in their journals.


Helium filled balloon

Bottle of pop with regular balloon

States of Matter: Gases by Maria Koran

Anchor chart paper

Scientific journals

Computers for research

Bubble mix

Bubble wands

Dry ice

One mitten for each scholar to catch smoke bubble


Scholars will meet all of the objectives listed in the objectives section.

Week 4 - Heat Transfer: Conduction

This is the second portion of this unit.  Scholars have mastered the three basic states of matter. Now, they will be learning about heat and how it is transferred.  This week the scholars will learn what is heat and how is it transferred through conduction. The hook for heat will be the scholars rubbing their hands together until they become warm.  This will lead into the discussion of heat resulting in an anchor chart displaying the key facts.  The scholars will delve into heat conduction through a series of experiments done in small groups.  First, they will melt ice cubes in their hands. Next, they will make pancakes on a griddle.  Last, they will make butter from whipping cream.  Each experiment will be documented in their scientific journals using their five senses. The last day of the week, each small group will share their discoveries with the rest of the class through a written or oral presentation.  This information will be used to create an anchor chart about conduction.


  1. Scholars will explain what is heat.
  2. Scholars will identify sources of heat conduction.
  3. Scholars will analyze experiments to understand the process of conduction.
  4. Scholars will use their five senses to explore how heat conduction works on matter.
  5. Scholars will work as a team.


Ice cubes

Pancake mix




Heavy whipping cream


2 small glass baby food jars

Evaluation: Scholars will meet all of the objectives listed in the objectives section.

Week 5 - Heat Transfer: Convection

This week the scholars will learn about convection.  During the week, the scholars will delve into heat convection through a series of experiments done in small groups. Each experiment will be documented using the scientific process. First, they will create a paper spiral and hang it over a regular lamp bulb.  They will observe what happens to the spiral as it hangs over the lamp.  Next, they will observe a lava lamp and notice what happens after turning on the lamp.  Last, they will make applesauce using a crockpot.  They will use their five senses to explore what is occurring to the apples throughout the process.  The last day of the week, each small group will share their discoveries with the rest of the class through a written or oral presentation.  This information will be used to create an anchor chart about convection.


  1. Scholars will identify a source of convection.
  2. Scholars will analyze experiments to understand the process of convection.
  3. Scholars will work as a team.
  4. Scholars will use their five senses to explore how heat convection works on apples.


Paper for spirals

Lamp with regular lightbulb (LED bulbs will not work)


Lava lamp

Pre-diced apples




Crock pot



Evaluation: Scholars will meet all of the objectives listed in the objectives section.

Week 6 - Heat Transfer: Radiation

This week the scholars will learn about radiation.  The scholars will delve into heat radiation through a series of experiments done in small groups throughout the week. Each experiment will be documented using the scientific process and their five senses. The first experiment will require that the scholars place crayons on paper plates and set them outside in the sunlight. They will observe what happens to the crayons after an hour. The next experiment will be to create S’mores using sunlight. They will place an open S’more in the bottom of a clear plastic cup.  They will place another plastic cup upside down on top of the first cup and tape them together.  Each scholar will place their cup outside in the sunlight.  Last, the scholars will create a solar oven and then bake cupcakes inside of it.  This will be a two-day project.  The first day each team will create the solar oven.  The second day, each team will bake a small batch of mini-cupcakes in their solar oven.  The last day of the week, each small group will share their discoveries with the rest of the class through a written or oral presentation.  This information will be used to create an anchor chart about radiation. 


  1. Scholars will identify a source of radiation.
  2. Scholars will analyze experiments to understand the process of radiation.
  3. Scholars will work as a team.
  4. Scholars will use their five senses to explore how heat radiation works on cupcakes.



Paper plates

Two plastic cups per scholar


Graham crackers



Solar oven materials (link in web resources)

Pizza boxes (one per team)

Aluminum foil


Clear wrap

Clear tape



Evaluation: Scholars will meet all of the objectives listed in the objectives section.

The unit will conclude with each team creating a presentation demonstrating their mastery over the states of matter, heat, heat transfer and how heat effects states of matter.  Their presentation will be created using Power Point or an iMovie.  The teacher will assist with the technology but the scholars will be responsible for the content.  Then, the scholars will show their presentation to another class and follow with a question and answer session. 


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