Appendix: Implementing District Standards
This curriculum unit has been designed to provide the reader with instructions on how to implement Geometric Foundational Lessons for second through fifth grade students. The lessons reference and adhere to the 2016 Standards of Learning specifically written for the state of Virginia.
The Unit outlines and identifies Geometry with a specific concentration on perimeter, area, and volume. The unit details the execution of the unit process thereof. Students will receive exposure to the concepts in the form of short stories, songs, direct instruction, as well as whole and small group focused exploration, and hands on activities such as the use of pentominoes. At the core of each activity, one will find practice that meets the requirements of the Virginia Standards of Learning. Students are required to use rulers and other customary units of measure. Each activity requires the student to differentiate between the three concepts. There are numerous tasks that ask the student to find the perimeter, area, and volume which includes thorough discussions and reasoning as to why one formula is chosen as compared to another.
Later on in the unit, students take the skills they have acquired during the unit to then apply and transfer their knowledge. At that point they will use classroom objects and/or create objects for additional exploration of which they are asked to once again find the perimeter, area, and volume.
All tasks that have been mentioned, address, meet, and adhere to all of the Standards of Learning for Virginia. The unit’s instructional methods and activities that I have employed for perimeter, area, and volume will prove to be interesting to my students, yet require their tenacity, not only in order to fulfill the Virginia Standard of Learning requirements, but also to meet my expectations.