Works Cited:
Bandt, Christoph, Peter MoÌ^rters, and Martina ZaÌ^hle. Fractal geometry and stochastics IV . Basel: BirkhaÌ^user, 2009. This book is acollection of articles about fractals in nature and new developments of fractals.
Barnsley, M. F.. Fractals everywhere . Boston: Academic Press, 1988. This book vividly explains all about Iterated Function Systems. I personally found this book easy to read and very enlightening.
Bassingthwaighte, James B., Larry S. Liebovitch, and Bruce J. West. Fractal physiology. New York: Published for the American Physiological Society by Oxford University Press, 1994. This book looks at mechanisms that generate fractals and they generate them. This book is also a bit of an advance read for me.
Kapit, Wynn, Robert I. Macey, and Esmail Meisami. The physiology coloring book. 2nd ed. San Francisco: Addison Wesley Longman, 2000. This book helps you understand the organ system by coloring. You are following a set of rules while coloring which makes it even more fun and understanding.
Lapidus, Michel L., and Machiel Frankenhuysen. Fractal geometry, complex dimensions and zeta functions geometry and spectra of fractal strings. New York: Springer, 2006. This book takes a look at fractal dimension and how to calculate them. This book will really benefit teachers that teach high school and college level students. It looks at some really cool and complex fractals and how to calculate their dimensions.
Mandelbrot, B. B.. The fractal geometry of nature . 1983 ed. New York, N.Y.: Freeman, 1983. This book a look at geometry of random fractals and also looks a wide range of pictures in nature containing fractals.
Peitgen, Heinz, H. Jürgens, and Dietmar Saupe. Chaos and fractals: new frontiers of science. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1992. This book looks at key concepts of fractals with lots of full color pictures. Teachers who teach other subjects other than math should of randombe able to pick this book, read and understand it.
Weyl, Hermann. Symmetry . Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1952. This book talks about the applications and principles of symmetry. It is a bit of an advanced read.