Appendix E
Ten Essential Strategies for Supporting Fraction Sense
Strategy 1: Provide opportunities for students to work with irregularly partitioned and unpartitioned, areas, lengths, and number lines.
Strategy 2: Provide opportunities for students to investigate, assess, and refine mathematical “rules” and generalizations.
Strategy 3: Provide opportunities for students to recognize equivalent fractions as different ways to name to same quantity.
Strategy 4: Provide opportunities for students to work with changing units.
Strategy 5: Provide opportunities for students to develop their understanding of the importance of context in fraction comparison tasks.
Strategy 6: Provide opportunities for students to translate between fraction and decimal notation.
Strategy7: Provide opportunities for students to translate between different fraction representations.
Strategy 8: Provide students with multiple strategies for comparing and reasoning about fractions.
Strategy 9: Provide opportunities for students to engage in mathematical discourse and share and discuss their mathematical ideas, even those that may not be fully formed or completely accurate.
Strategy 10: Provide opportunities for students to build on their reasoning and sense making skills about fractions by working with a variety of manipulatives and tools, such as Cuisenaire rods, Pattern blocks, fraction kits, and ordinary items from their lives.4