Appendix H
Math Problem Solving Circles
Create student groups of 3 to 4 students. Present the problem and assign jobs.
Jobs: Reporter, Questioner, Strategizer, Reflector
- Before: Discuss what we know about the problem. What are the variables?
- After: Reports the group’s solution and reflections to the class.
- Before: Discuss what the problem is asking, what needs to be solved. Do you need any more information?
- After: Lead discussion in group, does our answer makes sense? Did we answer the question that was asked?
- Before: What strategies would you use for this problem? Discuss what other problems you have solved before that remind you of this problem. What strategies were successful?
- Before: Discuss your thoughts about the plan you have set up? Will this plan help you find the answer? Why or why not?
- After: What have we learned? How can we use this information is again?
Read the problem to the group.
Before you solve: Begin to discuss what you know about the problem. Talk about the math facts that you see in the problem. Do you understand the problem?
After you solve: Report the group’s solution and reflections to the class.
Before you solve: After reading the problem, lead the discussion about what the problem is asking you to solve. Do you need any more information? What units will your answer use? Do you understand the problem?
After you solve: Lead discussion in group, does our answer makes sense? Did we answer the question that was asked?
Before you solve: Lead the discussion, does this look like other problems? Begin to list which strategies may work for this problem. Which strategies would work best for this problem?
Before you solve: Does our plan make sense? What could go wrong?
After you solve: What have we learned? How can we use this information is again?