The Number Line in the Common Core


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Demographics
  3. Using rods and ten blocks to recognize lengths
  4. Using base ten blocks for addition and subtraction
  5. Recognize that the size of numbers can correspond to length on a ruler
  6. What is a fraction?
  7. Fractions on the Number Line
  8. Equivalent Fractions
  9. Teaching Strategies
  10. Classroom Activities
  11. Appendix A
  12. Appendix B
  13. Appendix C
  14. Appendix D
  15. Appendix E
  16. Appendix F
  17. Appendix G
  18. Appendix H
  19. Implementing Common Core State Standards
  20. Resources
  21. Endnotes

Moving from Rods to Number Lines to Understand Fractions

Kathleen Geri Gormley

Published September 2016

Tools for this Unit:


Cambridge, University of. 1997-2012. NRICH Enriching Mathematics. Accessed November 2, 2013.

College, Gordon, and Mathematics and Computer Science. 2015. Direct Proof MAT 230. September. Accessed November 29, 2015.

Dobson, Katy. n.d. Math Centre Community Project. Accessed November 29, 2015.

Fuson, Karen (in press). 2016. "Building on Howe's Thre Pillars in Kndergarten to Grade 6 Classrooms." In Y.Li, J.Lewis & J. Madden (Eds.) Mathematics matters in educations- Essays in honor of Roger E. Howe., Cham, Switzerland.

Honi j Baumnerger, Christine Oberdorf, Karren Schultz-Ferrell. 2010. Math Misconceptions; From Misunderstanding to Deep Understanding. Portsmouth: Heinemann.

Howe, Roger E. n.d. "Outline of a development of fractions."

Howe, Roger. 2012. "Three Pillars of First Grade Mathematics." Common Core Tools.

Jacobs, Tammie. 2015. The Proper Use of Manipulatives in the Math Classroom. October 21. Accessed November 29, 2015.

Jeremy Kilpatrick, Jane swafford, and Bradford Findell, editors, and Mathematics Learning Study Committee. 2001. Adding It Up; Helping Children Learn Mathematics. Washington: National Academy Press.

JohnTapper. 2012. Solving for Why; Understanding, Assessing, and Teaching Students Who Struggle with Math. Sausalito: Scholastic Math Solutions.

Leone, Peter, Michael Wilson, and Candace Mulcahy. 2010. "Making it Count: Strategies for Improving Mathematics Instruction for Students in Short Term Facilities." The National Evaluation and Technical Assistance Center for Children and Youth Who Are Neglected, Delinquent, or At Risk.

LLC, K5 Math Teaching Resources. 2015. Math Journals. Accessed November 29, 2015., Basic. 2008. History of Fractions. Accessed November 2, 2013.

McNamara, Julie, and Meghan Shaughnessy. 2010. Beyond Pizzas and Pies. Sausalito: Scholastic Inc.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. 2003. Teaching Mathematics through Problem Solving. Reston: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Shumway, Jessica f. 2011. Number Sense Routines. Portland: Stenhouse Publishers.


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